"Alright everyone" My dad yelled as he entered the room with a stern face.

Everyone awkwardly made there way to the center and continued to chat, not getting the message that we were supposed to be quiet.

"Quiet" my dad yelled, silencing the room. He examined the room, staring everyone down. He could tell just by looking, who had potential and who was wasting their time.

"Nice shirt" he said to Demitri. Complementing his mathematical shirt.

"Oh thanks"

"I'm kidding, it sucks"

I let out a small laugh at his words.

"Is something funny Miss. Lawrence?" He asked.

This was new, he had never called me Miss. Lawrence before, but I guess that was how it was going to have to be in order to stay professional and not show favoritism.

"No Sensei" I answered.

He continued to examine the class and prey at their physical body traits, crushing their spirits. I didn't want to question my dads method of teaching, but I had a feeling he was going about this the wrong way.

"When I look around this room, I don't see Cobra Kai material. I see losers, I see nerds, I see a fat kid with a stupid hand and his tits popping out." He explained, "But my short time as a Sensei, I've also seen some miracles" he said looking over at me. "So, there may be some hope for you yet, but first I need to see where you're at, so everybody fall in!" He ordered.

Everyone awkwardly stood there, not knowing what fall in means, I was the only one who moved. This might be a little harder than I had expected.

"Jesus's Christ, that means line up"

Everyone finally understood and started to form one huge line. I stood away from them as they did the wrong thing.

"No, not line up in a line. You know- lines, get in lines" he added.

"You mean like rows?" Demitri asked.

My dad sighed as he too realized this was going to be a harder challenge than we had anticipated.

After a few minutes, everyone finally lined up and it was time to start training.

"Fighting positions!" My dad yelled, "Jab punch!"

Everyone did as he order, but at different times. It was more like a ripple affect than synchronized.

"No, wait till I say go" he added. "Hiyah!"

The class got the message and started to synch up.




As we continued, my dad gave pointers to the strugglers



Everything was going fine until he had call out Eli.

"Hey lip, yeah you. The one with the freaky lip. Who do you think I'm talking to?"

I could see panic starting to set into Eli's eyes. I quickly grabbed his hand to assure him that he was ok. I wish my dad hadn't called him out like that.

"Excuse me, uh, Mr. Lawrence-" Demirti tried to say.

"Sensei Lawrence" my dad corrected.

"Ok, uh, Sensei Lawrence. You really shouldn't make fun of someone's physical appearance"

"Oh is that so? So I'm not supposed to mention his lip at all?"

I could see Eli getting more and more upset with every word that left my dads mouth.

"Well yeah" Demirti added.

"Maybe that's what they teach you in school, but in the real world, you can't expect people to do what they're supposed to do. You hear that, Lip? If you can't handle someone making fun of you, how are you gonna handle an elbow to the teeth?"

"By calling the police" Demitri added again.

"Dude, knock it off" Miguel whispered under his breath.

"What? He does realize the Nazis lost the war, right? Why should I be scared of him? Because he's got a snake in his wall? It's not like he's a teacher who can give us a bad grade."

"Demetri stop" I pleaded.

"I'm sorry Blair, but we're paying him, he works for us. It's not like he can actually hurt us."

"Oh shit" I mumbled.

My dad made his way forward to face Demirti.

"Are you done?"


"Hit me" my dad ordered. "Go ahead, hit me. Strike me right here" he said pointing to his face.

Demitri realized he didn't have any other way out of this and got prepared to fight. I didn't want to see this go down. I buried my head in Eli's shoulder, trying to look away. I could hear Demitri's week punches being throw to the side.

"Harder" my dad ordered.

I could hear Demitri fail again.

"Is that all you got princess?"

I decided to look up to see if it was over, but it wasn't. Demitri prepared himself to hit with full force, but before he could even hit my dad, he was thrown to the ground, grunting in pain.

"Let that be a lesson to all of you" my dad warned as Demitri still laid on the floor.

Mercy In My Heart // Hawk x OC x MiguelWhere stories live. Discover now