Chapter 19

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Video is not mine.  Enjoy!

Quick announcement.  I may be slowing down my writing altogether.  I'm pretty slammed with school and other things, so you may see my updating slow down.



Startled by Fredric's voice, he dropped a beaker, turning around.  The glass shattered around his feet as it hit the ground.  "Y-yes?"

The king's face was full of anger as he grabbed the boy's arm to pull him away from the glass and sat him down on a chair.  Varian remained stiff, but silent, not even protesting.  He had been caught red handed.

"What are you thinking?  Are you not forbidden from your science… stuff?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, but-"  Varian was cut off.

"Then there should be no misunderstanding, no disobedience!"  Fredric frowned.

"But the rocks, they're connected to me and Rapunzel.  We can't just sit here while it destroys Corona," Varian argued.  "I need to know why they're seeking me and her out."

"Listen to me, Varian-"

"No!"  Varian stood up.  "For once, listen to me!  I'm done with living in the dark!  I've been kept from the light my whole life and am not about to let you shadow it for the rest of it.  Not unless you give me a valid reason, the truth, will I obey.  I won't blindly follow you without any idea what that is!"

"You will listen to me as your king!"  Fredric stepped forward, towering over the fifteen year old.

"I just want the truth!  Tell me," Varian pleaded.

Fredric suddenly grabbed Varian by the front of his shirt.  The teen gasped as the man shook him.  He had to clench his mouth shut to keep from biting his own tongue.  "I don't have to tell you anything, you hear?"  He stopped shaking him.

"I need to know!"  Varian was trying to hold back his tears as he shouted.

"You will listen to me in one way or another!"  Fredric suddenly slapped him.  Not once but thrice, boxing him on the ear.

Varian gave out a hiss of pain as he choked on a sob.  He saw Fredric raise his hand to slap him again.  Turning his head and squeezing his eyes shut, he waited for the other slap.  "Stop!"  he pleaded.

Fredric slowly lowered his hand after it registered in his brain what he was doing.  Horrified that let his anger and frustration overpower him, he released his grip on Varian.  He slowly stepped away.  "Varian… I'm… I'm.."

Varian didn't even wait for the apology.  He took off sobbing, bursting out of the room.  Guilt entered Fredric's chest as he let out a deep breath.  He slowly sat down on the chair that he had set Varian down in merely moments before.  Then he sank his head into his hands.  "What have I done?"

Varian burst out out of the castle, panting for breath.  He ran through the streets of Corona.  Find Xavier.  That's what he would do.  Go talk to Xavier.  With Rapunzel stuck in her room, Cassandra stuck in prison, no idea where Ariana was, and Eugene and Lance were no where to be found, Xavier was who he wanted to see.  Besides, he would rather not be under the same roof as Fredric.  He rubbed the tears from his face.

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