He got my bag and returned to the house. We both went upstairs and James lead me into the guest room. "You can shower and do what you got to do in here." he says. I nod and shove him out of the room. "Feeling some type of way Lena?" he joked. "Take a shower James." I say, closing my door.

I went into the bathroom and quickly stripped down and took a shower. I finished my shower, dried off, and put on my clothes. I had packed a pair of skinny jeans with a white ACDC shirt. I put on my clothes and decided to let my hair down and let it curl up by itself. I put on a bit of eyeliner and mascara and stepped out of the bathroom. I put on a pair of socks and headed downstairs. I had a pair of black converses in my bag so I put them on.

I finished before James so I went into the living room and called Seirra. "Yeah man." she answered. "Hey. You called earlier?" I asked her. "Yeah. We wanted to see how you were but I guess ya'll had so much fun last night that you were exhausted." she said, refering to a different kind of fun. "We stayed up pretty late cleaning for your information." I tell her. "Whatever. What time are you coming?" she asks me. "Actually, i'm going to spend the day with James." I tell her. "Oh. Fine, we don't want you either." she says, jokingly. "I'll call you later." I say to her. "Alright. Have fun you two love birds." she says to me. "Shut up!" I say hanging up on her.

James was still not finished so I began surfing the web on my phone. "You hungry?" James says, startling me. "Damn it James! You scared me." I say to him. He grinned. "So are you hungry or not?" he asks me again. "I'm starving." I answer him. I get up and follow him into the kitchen. "Are you about to cook?" I ask him. "Yup." he answers. I pulled up a stool and took a seat near the island. "Are hamburgers good?" he asks me, pulling out his materials. "Yeah." I answer him.

We make small talk while James cooks us hamburgers. He finished cooking and gave me a hamburger and fries on a plate. I tasted the hamburger. "Wow. This is good. Where'd you learn to cook like that?" I ask him, astounded that the hanmburger tasted so good. "My brother taught me. He always said that a boy that can cook will make a girl happy." he tells me, sitting on a stool next to mine. I ate a few bites and asked him the question that was burning my mind. "Have you ever cooked for Carly?" "No. I've never cooked for a girl before." he tells me. "Oh. I feel special then." I say, smiling. "You should. I also don't usually let girls sleep in my room." he says.

"Wait, so you've never brought a girl home?" I ask. "No, I bring girls here but i've never had a girl spend the night. I always make her leave early." he tells me. "Oh, so you just have sex at there house?" I ask without thinking.Did I really just ask that?? I thought to myself. James looked at me. "Sorry, that was a personal question," I say, "you don't need to answer that." He pauses and then opens his mouth, "I have never had sex with anyone." he tells me. I stop chewing and look at him. "Never?" I ask. "Never." he answers. "You're a virgin?" I ask, sounding shocked. "Why do you sound so shocked? I want to wait for the right time." he tells me.

"I'm sorry. I just assumed that you'd sleep around." I say to him. "Weren't you the one who said don't 'assume'?" he asks me. I nod and smile sheepishly. "Are you a virgin?" he asks me. "Yeah." I say. He nods and continues eating. "Are you waiting for the right time too?" he asks. "Yeah." I answer. "High five to virgins." he says, raising his hand. I high five him. We continue makignsmall talk and finish eating. When we finished eating, I tried to grab our plates to wash them but James stopped me. "No. You cooked so now I clean." I tell him. He reluctantly agreed.

I washed our dishes and put them away. I turned around and leaned back onto the counter. I looked at James. "What now?" I ask. He gets up from his seat and walks to the door that leads to the back yard. "Come. Lets go to my music room." he says, holding his hand out to me. "Am I also the first girl you've taken there?" I ask him. He nods, smiling. I felt so special. I grab his hand and we step outside.

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