Chapter 10

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Katrina's mind was spinning since the concert last night. This wasn't her plan. This wasn't even an option to make a plan for.

At best, she hoped to stay single and perhaps retire to the country to ride horses and read. But even if forced to marry, she always imagined some old man that needed an heir. Or an unattractive rogue with no funds. Not a duke.

A cold, aloof duke. Exotic, powerful and a complete mystery. So far the rumors seemed to bear out. The talk of possession. The spanking. But would he torture her? Would she be an abused woman in a loveless marriage?

No matter, she knew she couldn't do without him. Before her brother interrupted their conversation at Vauxhall, she was seconds from begging to be whatever he needed her to be. She would be his whore, slut or mistress, or whatever unsavory term, so long as she was his. Being without him seemed like it would break a tether she had to him. It is so ridiculous - this feeling! It surely wasn't love. But that kiss...

And now the family and vicar are sitting in the parlor awaiting his arrival. Her mother was a whirlwind of emotions. From excitement to abject fear and loathing of the man. Pacing the floor like a caged animal.

"Oh! I haven't even told you about your wedding night!" She spun around holding on to Katrina's arms. People really needed to stop grabbing her by the upper arm - her biceps felt bruised. "There will be pain. Just think of needle point or your favorite like gardens...something pleasant to give you a smile. Men think you should enjoy their bedroom antics."

This could not possibly be happening in front of the vicar. Katrina was embarrassed not only for herself, but for her mother.

"Wha-," Katrina began.

"Excuse me, my lady, but the Duke of Harrington has arrived. Shall I send him in?" Boswick, their longtime butler, saved the day with his interruption.

"Of course, Boswick! Don't let the duke wait!" Lady Hughes swirled around with a new look of anxiety that was quickly replaced with a smile to prepare for the duke's entrance.

Katrina's head was spinning from the quick changes in conversation, her own worries and her mother's shrill voice.

In walked the duke like he owned the room and everyone in it. It always felt to Katrina that he sucked the air out of wherever he was, taking her breath away.

"Good morning. Are we all ready?" Harrington asked as he removed his gloves and surveyed the parlor. He was a man on a mission. "My coach is waiting outside and ready to travel to my estate."

"So quickly, your grace?" Her mother huffed. "You have barely arrived and we know nothing of your plans. You are leaving London so soon? No wedding breakfast..."

"My lady, I believe I just stated my plans. Now let's not dally." The duke clearly was not in the mood to entertain Lady Hughes's overprotective demands. He had things to do and places to be, none of which involved her direct participation.

The marriage took less than 15 minutes. It was not romantic or moving in any way, but her mother still managed to loudly sob behind them. Katrina was a little surprised considering how eager her mother wanted her out of the nest.

After the farewells, the duke escorted Katrina to the carriage and assisted her to her seat.

"Bloody glad that is done with!" He muttered. "Your mother is a bit much to handle for long periods."

"Yes, your grace." She couldn't agree more.

"Oh stop that blather with the 'your gracing' me." He seemed quite displeased and it made her question if this marriage was even his idea in the first place. It definitely wasn't hers! "We have some items to discuss on our trip. I don't like the idea of calling them rules, but alas the term seems to fit."

Katrina nodded along. This is where she will meet her true husband. The carriage doors had barely shut and he was issuing rules.

"First, 'sir' or Gabriel will do in private. When we are in a situation where I require additional respect then 'sir' will be required. Or 'master' depending on my mood. You will get to know those times very quickly.

I clearly will call you whatever I wish. Katrina, Kat, Kitty, Kitten, slut, whore...whatever it is you must understand the 'my' is implied. My Kitten. My slut. My whore. Mine."

Her eyes were as wide as saucers. She wasn't sure if she was more shocked about calling him Gabriel or him calling her a slut. Or should she say "his slut." He could be cruel.

"And please don't protest. It will do you no good, my dear. The words are always meant with respect." Respect? He evidently didn't know the meaning. "Where was I? Ah yes, back talk, no foul language, no disrespect, all dresses must be approved, no man shall touch you...not even your brother...without my approval, no intimate touching of yourself without my approval..."

"Myself? I can't touch myself? But the using the bath..."

"Yes, my dear wife. No touching your pussy...your lady parts...unless you are wiping of course." She could have sworn her husband rolled his eyes.

Why on earth would she touch herself unless she was using the bathroom or bathing? So much information today. Between Gabriel and her mother her head was swimming.

"Now, let's see. I run a tight household. I'm sure you recall your spanking the other night, hm? Spankings are just one of the punishments you may receive for being a bad girl. But you will have no permanent scars or disabilities from your punishments. However, you will eventually be permanently marked by me. That, again, will be discussed at a later time."

"I don't think I can hear any more, Gabriel." She tried his name on her tongue. It felt good. "My brain hurts."

And it truly did hurt. He wanted to tattoo, brand or otherwise scar her flesh. She wasn't cattle. She had to choose her battles though, and ensure the timing was right for her protestations.

"Take a nap, little one. I'm sure you are overwhelmed with what you have heard and done. We shall reach our home in a few hours, and we can discuss more."

"Thank you for understanding." Oh my, what a day. And it wasn't over, not by a long shot.

Hidden Places, Book 1 of Autumn Club SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now