now harry was stupid, but he can connect the dots. from the way draco is looking at me, the way i'm reacting to his stares, the fact that i flashed him, having 'boy troubles'.

his face reveals that about him. it changes quick in emotion, from a frown to an almost shocked face, then to a flash of betrayal.

i breathe in and shut my eyes, smiling slightly at draco. when i open my eyes again i'm burning them into his, mentally stabbing and kicking him for being such an asshole.

"you do wish that were you, right, malfoy?", i smirk and then turn to harry. "i'll see you around, harry. tell me how things go, i want to keep up to date, of course.", i dismiss him.

he seems reluctant to leave and gives me an small wave as he passes us, catching up to his friends. i felt sorry for him, but i didn't have time for that now.

my attention goes back to draco and draco only. his jaw is set and fixed, his eyes tightened into a sneer. i scoff and cross my arms, hiding the journal.

"what do you fucking want now.", i growl. he doesn't move but then grabs my arm, pulling me along behind him. i gasp for air and tug my arm free.

he pauses and turns to me, his eyes burning into me. "remember our deal.", he hisses and i roll my eyes, flipping him off. "come on, then.", i reply in a snap and he nods.

i follow him to the hallway where the room of requirement was supposed to be, and, sure enough, the two wooden doors revealed themselves to us.

he holds one open for me and i pass him curtly, making sure my robes swish as i step into the big room. the doors shut quietly and i look around to what draco was wishing for.

there stood a large four-poster double bed in the middle of the room, long emerald curtains attached to the frame. the bed was full with black and green throw pillows, one of them depicting the malfoy family crest.

"take off your clothes.", his husky voice mutters and i jump up when i feel his breath on the back of my neck. he was so close, he could touch me.

but he wasn't.

"no, draco.", i say firmly and he sighs with stress. his hand slithers to my chest and he plucks the notebook right out of my cradled arms.

"now, listen to me.", he starts and begins to circle around me. the journal he tosses onto the floor and his hands raise to his tie knot.

"you have read this journal, my journal, to be specific. did you ask for permission? no.", he growls, loosening his tie so it just hangs off of his neck like a lanyard.

i grit my teeth hard and exhale, not letting his words intimidate me. "we have a deal, aster. don't think i won't be committing to my side of it.", he reminds me and i scoff.

"sex? that is what you want, draco?", i snap. i turn to face him fully. "you know exactly that you can have anyone in this fucking school.", i hiss.

he chuckles and rolls his eyes. "like whom, aster? pansy parkinson?", he tuts and shakes his head laughing. "she's just a love sick fool, aster.".

it's my turn to laugh and i attempt to make a run for it but his reflexes are too fast for it, grabbing the back of my head, tugging me back by my hair.

i yelp and his head hovers over my face, tilted down to look at me. his eyes seemed to grow darker, his pupils widened, hiding his gray irises.

"where would be the fun in that?", he utters with such a lustful tone that my body betrays my self-control by letting out a gasp.

he lets me go and i stagger forwards on my feet, spinning on my heel to look at him again. he is striding to the bed and wraps his fingers around the frame.

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