chapter 2

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Kiba silently smiled as he heard his answer 'yessss!'

"Naruto! He's coming!"

Kiba celebrated as he jumped down back to shikamaru and naruto. Naruto was wearing kibas jacket since it was quite cold outside and he hadn't realized to take his own

"Yeah and also Ino isn't sure was a drag but I called her"

"I guess its just the four of us then!"

The trio waited and waited until Shino came out from the front door.


"Look at the stars!"

Naruto told and everyone's head lifted up like it was a command staring at the circular shaped lights that beautifully brought light to the world as they were glued on the black background people call a night sky.


Kiba sighted and shino glanced at him a small smile on his face 'how adorable'

Kiba took a look at Shino who was staring at him with a noticeable smile. His eyes widen for a split second before looking down all flustered.

"Yeah yeah naruto I saw them its just a drag to hold my head up.."

Shikamaru complained as naruto wanted him to watch the stars. Soon the four of them begin to walk around the village. Sometimes naruto would find a shiny rock and make shikamaru look at it for ten minutes with him and time to time they would see a cat walking around and chaise it like maniacs. Finally they make it to the lake hidden deep in the forest. The sounds of slowly cracking sticks and the smell of the clear fresh water made all of them gasp. The moon light lined nicely with the light waves the small amount of wind made.

Shino and kiba sit down about 8feet away from the lake in the protection of the shadow the leafs made, seeing how naruto was butt ass naked ready to take a swim shikamaru sighting and sitting by the lake.

"I-it sure is pretty out here ay?"

Kiba said two of his fingers in playing with the collar of his shirt, seeming rather nervous.

"Yes.. Yes it is"

Shino leaned against the tree clearing his throat. Kiba took a good glance at Shino seeing how white spots were being painted on him by the light that shined through the leafs. He smiles and leans his back against the aburame.

"You know what."


Kiba started to blush strongly not knowing how to start what he was about to say. The palms of his hands started to sweat uncontrollably and his heart was beating.

"Shino I..."

the moon is for me, sun is for you and the galaxy is for usOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora