Mark - Fleeting Dream

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ST: 011421, 7:56pm FT: 011421, 10:05pm

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ST: 011421, 7:56pm
FT: 011421, 10:05pm


For most people, whenever meeting someone they love, the encounter is often told as if everything were in slow motion, knowing the details from that day like the back of their hand. From the way, that person looked to how they smelled, all ingrained in their memory. For Haein, meeting Mark was not at all like this. It happened so fast before she could blink, and then he was gone. But, this wasn't the end, it was the start of something that Haein hadn't expected.

She first met Mark, while bumping into him at a flea market, as she walked around stalls, peering at everything from clothes to antique jewelry. As she hung to the arm of a friend, they laughed together, the sound of sheer enjoyment in the air. But, they both stopped when a young man had collided with Haein, nearly sending her back due to his height and solid structure.

He was quick to bow and apologize for doing so, in a quiet and deep voice, then ran off to wherever it was he was headed.

Her friend turned around, about to yell at the stranger for not checking to see if Haein was ok, yet the girl stopped her to prevent any further embarrassment.

"We won't see each other anyway." That was all Haein remarked before they went about their day.

Turns out she was wrong to speak those words as three days later, they had another meeting.

Haein was at a bus stop, waiting for another bus to show when someone came up to her, sitting next to her.

"Flea market." The stranger said, leading her to turn around at the familiar voice.

"Huh?" She questioned in her bewilderment. Then there he was, black-haired, tall wearing a denim hoodie, skin glowing softly with dark brown eyes as big and sparkling as a baby fawn. He was more handsome than most men she's seen.

His lips uplift into a smile, "I'm sorry for how I just rushed passed you the other day, I had an appointment. You're alright now, right?"

"I'm fine, thanks." In truth, she hadn't needed an apology, yet it was still nice of him to say it and ask about her.

"Did you make it to your appointment?"

He nodded, "I was a bit late, but it went well."

"Are you headed somewhere?" She wouldn't think of him sitting next to her otherwise, so he had to be taking the bus someplace else.

"Mmm, to meet some friends, what about you?" She answered likewise as she was due to meet with friends as well.

With the bus having arrived a few minutes later, the two stepped on together. Finding a vacant seat, Mark let Haein take it as he stood beside her on the outside of the aisle. As the ride went, they spoke about their lives and their current state at this point. As Haein worked as an employee for a publishing company, she was surprised to find that Mark worked as an assistant manager for a company that specializes in designing and manufacturing state of the art skateboards.

At the end of their journey, they both walked off at the same stop, side by side only to come to the view of a restaurant.

"Wait, your friends are here?!" Haein exclaimed in shock then Mark nodded.

"Yep, so that this must mean your friends are here too." He noted with a hint of a smile, liking the prospect of seeing more of her.

"I guess this means we leave from here, don't we?" Haein sulked, disappointed with the little time they had spent.

"We don't have to, come on." He tugged her along and entered the restaurant where their respective group of friends was waiting for them.

"Haein-ah!" A shrill voice called and ran over to the two. A young woman with dyed blonde hair mercilessly smacks Haein's arm.

"Where were you? We've been waiting for over ten minutes!" She chided.

Rubbing her arm, she sheepishly ducks away from Mark, by gently pulling her other arm. "Sorry to keep you all waiting, this is Mark, by the way, he is good company." In a fluster, she laughed then turned to Mark.

"I'll see you later, okay?"

Mark cleared his throat and scratched his nape. With eyes to his feet then on Haein, he said, "I was hoping we could all sit together, get to know each other and all." He pursued.

Haein's friend glanced between the two then as Mark pointed out that his friends are well mannered and the location of their table, Haein swore she could see her friend's eyes sparkle at the sight of Mark's friends.

"Sure, I'm certain the others won't mind, right Haeinnie?" The blonde encouraged as she went to dash back to a table where two women sat.

Within moments, Haein was in the middle of her friends, sitting across from Mark at an enlarged table. After introducing themselves to each other, the rest of the night was a blast and by the end of it all, Haein thought that Mark Tuan was nothing but a fleeting dream, something to leave as fast she saw it. Yet, he turned out to be an everlasting dream, one that she would get to have for the rest of her life.

Note: Hello, everyone! I hope you enjoyed all my very first GOT7 one shot! I haven't written in months, and I wanted to start by writing for the boys again, as I wouldn't have realized my passion for writing because of them! I would like to note that these will be unedited so I apologize for the mistakes! But anyway, please tell me what you think in the comments as I would appreciate it! Till next time!

Bye Bye!

Bye Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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