Twenty Three | Tamales and Tacos

Start from the beginning

And who was I to go against the tree's wisdom?

I sorta believed it too because what kind of person would pick up someone, out of their way, they had no feelings for? What kind of person would give someone a goodbye kiss if no feelings were involved? Also, what kind of person would let someone come on them, on their chest, body, etc, if they didn't like that person? The last one was more me trying to direct him where my feelings lay. I have never let someone do that to me so hopefully he got the hint. Got the hint that he was someone different. Got the hint that he was a one-of-a-kind person to me. Got the hint that I liked him.

Have I ever mention that out loud?

I needed to.

But I was not going to do it anytime soon. I needed to make sure that he liked me back. I was not the type of person to easily tell someone I liked them. Yes I would drop hints (Cough cough let someone come on my chest) but never say the words, 'Hey I like you' until I knew for sure they felt the same way.

Could that become a problem? Yep because with Vance - I couldn't quite tell. Yeah I just spoke about all the possibilities on why I thought he liked me but, but. . .ugh I don't know. I knew - I secretly wanted him to be the first one who confessed their feelings.

Wait fuck - I was messing everything up. He said he didn't want a relationship. He said he wanted to be friends with benefits. Main point - he said he didn't want a fucking relationship. A major problem.

And since he stated - directly in my face - that he didn't want a relationship, was I just wasting my time?

I had a new game. A few more peaches could sorta be picked. A new game formed in my mind. A should I cut things with Vance off so he doesn't  break my heart or just keep things going and hope he feels the same game. I said fuck it, and played. My hand reached back up in the tree, I plucked down a peach. I should cut things off. I plucked down another peach. I should not cut things off.

"Sweetie." My mom once again interrupted my thoughts. Fuck, I needed to think about this more. "That's all for now. Leave the rest." My hand fell from the tree and I heard the back door close again.

It was fine, I could finish that game another time. I could think about that another time. With those thoughts out from my head and moved to a place in my mind called another time, I moved away from the tree and went back inside the house. Inside the house I found my mother in the kitchen, finishing up cleaning the leftover breakfast plates and found my dad on the couch in the living room. My head titled to the side to see what was playing on the tv screen- he was watching The Walking dead.

"Which season is this?" I dropped the bag of peaches on a kitchen counter, walked inside the living room and sat down in one of the chairs.

"First episode of season seven." My dad said after he took a slip of his water. "Negan is psycho."

I remember when I was on that season. That episode had me crying so hard. "I know. Wait till later. Things get crazier."

"River." My mom called out from the kitchen. I turned my head around, waiting for her to finish her sentence. "I need you to go to the store la-" She paused, thought about something then continued. "Actually, go to some place for dinner and get take out. I don't feel like cooking tonight. Do you?"

I shook my head. Yes I loved cooking, but that's all I've been doing when I got here. My parents rarely like to eat out, so when I got an opportunity to eat out and not cook, I was taking it. "Nope."

"Great so later, I need you to go somewhere - maybe that place on the corner of Slauson? - and order us some food. You can use my car to drive."

A smile transformed on face. "Got it, get food later for dinner."

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