Lucky for her, Jessica was starting to feel the effects of the gas wear off. Bruce was able to land a couple more punches before Jessica's face remained unmoved. The evil glare in her eye slightly frightened the Bat.

Jessica smirked at the man; it was now her turn. She grabbed Bruce by his throat, swinging him into the giant mirrors behind them. He grits his perfect teeth in pain. She landed on her knee to catch her breath. She hated this, the fighting. "Why did you have to be so damn stubborn?" She huffed. "I don't want to fight you." She wheezed as she began to hover above the ground, her balance was wobbly, but she was getting the feeling in her legs again.

She began to fly through the giant hole that she sent Bruce through earlier at full speed. Jessica noticed Bruce was scrambling about for something, catching her off guard. At that moment, she just saw Bruce, the man that showed that he cared for her, the man that would travel almost an hour every night to visit her at her apartment balcony to just talk about her day. What happened to that? What happened to the late-night talking in her bed?

That's what happened, ignorance and anger to two people who just wanted to change the world.

Bruce immediately aimed the gun with the green Kryptonite gas at Jessica again. She collapsed onto her hands and knees, gasping for air again. This time unable to move to get away from the gas, Bruce walked over with a broken sink in his hands and slammed it down onto her back, successfully this time.

Jess cried out in pain and collapsed onto her stomach. Bruce proceeded to wrap a wire around her ankle, dragging her down the long corridor to where a set of spiral stairs rested and below, a pile of rubble. "I bet your parents told you that you could overcome anything..." Bruce spoke, his voice modulator buzzing in and out with his broken mask. "My parents taught me a different story." Bruce pressed a button on the gadget that was attached to Jessica's ankle, instantly dragging her to him like retracting measuring tape.

She skidded onto the floor as Bruce used her momentum to throw her over the large hole in the middle of the stairway. Jessica landed on the rubble with a loud oomph, everything hurt, her body, her mind, her heart. She couldn't kill him and now her mother was going to pay the price.

Jessica laid unmoving; her face plastered into the pile of rubble beneath her. She just wanted the world to swallow her whole, she wanted to die. Bruce jumped down with the help of his grappling hook right in front of her. He walked down to her ankle yet again and walked all the way to the center of the room.

"My parents taught me that the world only makes sense of it if you make it." He pressed the button yet again and retracted her to him yet again. Bruce began to swing her in the air, crashing Jessica into pillars along the way. They began to crash to the floor, one by one until he finally slammed her down onto another pile of rubble, face first.

Jess groaned in pain, her hair hiding her bruised face that has still yet to heal from the attacks earlier. She heard Bruce shuffle around, his heavy footsteps fading then reappearing louder. The Kryptonian tried to shift her head to look, see what he was doing but had no luck. She placed both her hands on the rubble, trying her best to push herself up, not ready to give up the fight on her mother's life but Bruce beat her too.

He used his heavy boot to kick her back down. He turned Jess over with determination in his eyes, a heavy sphere with a pointed green type of rock on the end of it. When it got closer, it seemed to glow brighter.

"You were never a God," Bruce took the sphere and cut Jessica's cheek with it. Jessica gave a loud, painful groan the closer the sphere got. "You were barely even human." Bruce spits, swinging the sphere upwards to strike her.

Before Bruce could end her life unjustifiably, she croaked out a sentence under his heavy boot. "You're letting him... kill Martha!" Bruce froze at those words. "Find him... save... Martha!"

Martha? His mother Martha? "How do you know that name?"

"Please!" Jessica choked with Bruce's giant metal foot still on her chest. Thick beads of tears fell down her cheeks, thick wet ropes of her curly hair stuck to her face. "Save... my..."

"How do you know that name!" Bruce shouted. "Martha! Why did you say that name!?" He bellowed.

The sounds of Lois's heels echoed through the walls. "Jessica!" She called out, her running never faltering. When Lois saw the giant green glowing spear aimed at Jessica's chest, she was sent into an even further worrying frenzy. "No! Stop!" Lois yelled, falling to Jessica's aid.

"Why did you say that name! Martha, why did you say that name!" Bruce shouted again.

Lois took it upon herself to answer. "That's her mother's name!" She hissed, cradling Jessica's head. "It's her mother's name... please let her go!" She shouted to the very stunned Batman.

Bruce blinked a couple of times, stepping back from both Lois and Jessica. His face remained stoic but the look in his eyes said it all. He was disgusted, ashamed, not with Jessica but with himself.

He was so hell-bent on destroying the evil that took thousands of lives when the evil wasn't them at all. She was risking her life to save her mother, and he was going to kill her for it.

Bruce took a good look at the state Jessica was in, bruised face, cut cheek, heartbroken face. The woman he promised, to himself, he wasn't going to let anything harm her was almost killed by his hand. His hand of ignorance, anger, and vengeance. He swallowed thickly almost on the verge of tears until the sounds of him giving a loud yell in anger and threw the staff far away from Jessica.

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