20 | It Only Hurts

Start from the beginning

"Huh! Martha, Martha, Martha." Lex repeated while circling around Jessica's frozen state. "The mother of a flying demon must be a witch." He threw a picture down in front of Jessica like it was food. "The punishment for witches, what is that?" He asked with a finger to his chin. "That's right, death by fire." Lex's smug smile turned into an evil frown, throwing picture after picture of her mother gagged and crying with the words WITCH written on her forehead.

Jessica fell to her knees, a scared little girl all over again. Then, a fit of newfound anger exploded within her, everything that has happened to her that night rushing at her like a bat out of hell. Her eyes lit up bright red, ready to torch Lex where he stood. "WHERE IS SHE?" She screeched, scaring Lex at how fast her anger took over.

"I don't know!" He gasped, quickly regaining the high ground. "I wouldn't let them tell me!" Jessica lunged forward with her speed, hands nearing to grab him by his throat. "If you kill me, Martha dies!" He shouted with his hands outstretched to stop her. Jessica came to an immediate stop, her fingers jammed in a claw position. "If you ask your super brother for help, Martha dies as well." Lex snapped his fingers. "And if you fly away, Martha also dies." He smiled nervously, remembering that detail as well. "But if you kill the Bat... Martha lives."

Jessica's erratic breathing turned into one of deep breathes, one you use when you try to control the inevitable tsunami of sobs. She fell to her knees, hands slapped on her face. What could she do? There was no one there to help her in the situation but herself. She couldn't ask Clark to help her because that was against the rules Lex set upon her.

Bruce was the one she had to fight; her only job now was to convince the bat to help her save her mother's life. She had a bad feeling about this, someone was going to die tonight and she would be damned if it would be her mother who dies because of her faults.

Lex stroked his fingers through Jessica's long black hair. "There we go." He cooed. "There we go." He bends down to her ear, savoring every moment of having the most powerful woman bend to his will. "And now the Goddess bends to my will." He whispered, kissing her temple like he was blessing her with his spiteful love. Jessica turned her hateful watery gaze to Lex.

"Now the cameras are waiting at your ship. For the world to see the holes in the holy!" He walked over to the white oval-shaped kitchen timer sitting all by its lonesome. "Yes, the all mighty comes clean about how dirty she is when it counts." He stopped the turning of the dial. "Not that you haven't done that yet." He continued on. "To save Martha, bring me the head of the Bat."

When the dial reached its limited number of turns, Lex gasped. "Mother of God, would you look at the time!" A helicopter from above began to descend its way onto the helipad. The wind tussles Jessica's red cape in every direction. Lex began to walk towards it, knowing he was untouchable. "When you came here, you had an hour!" He shouted over the wind. He turned around to face the distraught God still on her knees. "Now," Lex showed her the timer with a surprised look on his face. "it's less."

Jessica watched Lex disappear into the air with the copter and finally stood to her feet. She wasn't going to let anyone die tonight, even if she was going to die. The alien clenched her fists in frustration.

What the hell was she going to do?

"Jessica..." she looked over her shoulder.

"Speak of the devil." She mumbled, turning around to see her dad standing there in all his foggy glory. Jonathan gave her a look of sympathy, always there for her when she absolutely needed it.

"Oh Jess," He sighed. "This is what your mother and I feared. Why we wanted to shield you away from the world when you and your brother were growing up." Jonathan placed his hands on his hips. "Now, you have to carry the burden of the world on your shoulders."

Jessica shook her head. "No, it was my fault. I should have been more vigilant, more careful." She looked down at her feet. "I should have listened and stayed on the farm." With a heavy sigh, she turns her gaze to her dad. "I have to go to Gotham to try to convince him to help me or he has to die."

"Who, Jess?"

"The humans were right... No one stays good in this world."

The spirit of Jonathan watched his daughter with sad eyes. He always wanted what was best for her, now, he has to watch her struggle for the sake of humanity. He looked to Gotham City from across the city, Jessica looking out as well. "What are you going to do Jess?"

Jessica clenched her fists. "I'm going to save mom." She mumbled.

Jonathan nodded his head, looking down at his shoes for a brief moment then back up to the view ahead of him. "I miss you, honey." He spoke solemnly, fading away into the wind.

Jessica swallowed the lump in her throat, a single tear slipping down her face. "I miss you too dad." Crashes of lightning from Gotham brought her back to her harsh reality. Mentally preparing for her fight with Bruce, she knew she would never be ready to fight and kill another soul. Here was her life-or-death decision yet again.

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