"Have fun with Yuna! Tell her I said hello, as always, oh and that she's a dumb bitch to or something really mean!" I yelled down the hallway, Jisoo yelled a quick "Will do!" back.

I decided to take a quick shower because Taehyung came because I didn't smell to fresh, and then I changed into a better outfit, plain still though. I feel like it would be rude to get into Tae's car to have a serious talk in a dress suit or some shit.

Eventually I heard Taehyung's car roll up outside and I ran downstairs and out the door.

I really hope this conversation goes good, I miss him and being on good terms.

When I got into his car I could feel the physical thickness of the tension, way worse then I felt over texting, even.

"Hey," I said quietly at Taehyung. What do I even say?

He took a sharp left turn out of my neighborhood and onto the main road. I don't think we had any set destination, I'm guessing the drive was just background activity to help relieve tension.

"Hey..." Taehyung awkwardly replied.

This scenario really makes me feel like we are in second grade at recess and Taehyung is my crush I just simply cannot start a conversation with.

This was just so horribly awkward and uncomfortable, and I hated it. So I took after Jisoo's words once more and decided to take charge.

"Okay. This all just feels so stupid. Let's just talk, I'll start." I breathed out, "I'm sorry for my little freak out at that girl. I should have been more respectful and nice while proving my case...even if she was being a complete jerk...but yeah I'm sorry and I should have toned it down for sure, especially when you tried to get me too. I just want to move past that whole stupid dilemma."

"I don't know why your sorry. You have no reason. The whole reason I didn't text you is because I thought you wouldn't want to hear from me. I'm sorry, you shouldn't be." Tae sighed out in one long breath, "I figured you were mad at me and thought I was being dramatic. In the moment I totally was though."

"I mean, to be honest, yes you definitely were dramatic in the moment but we all have those little moments of aggressive emotions for no reason. I mean, you've seen me flip first hand over basically nothing." I reassured him, as I said before, we both could have handled that whole situation differently.

"Yeah, true. But I don't usually do that so afterward, during the comedown, I felt horrible."

"It happens, don't worry Tae. I'm good. But I know there's always a deeper meaning to those little moments so, is it intrusive for me to ask for that?" I looked at him and we locked eyes. I knew for a fact there had to be a reason, or something, big or small. There always is with that stuff.

"Past shit I guess, I don't know. I don't really talk much about my old home life or past experiences with it." Taehyung pulled the car into an empty convenient store parking lot and threw the vehicle in park, and then awkwardly reached over for the radio knob and turned it up.

"Obviously I don't want to force it out of you. You don't have to tell me if you really don't want. I just would like to know so I can maybe not make that mistake again or something similar to this." I undid my seatbelt and turned to look at him so I wouldn't have to do an awkward side glance every now and again anymore.

"When I was younger and I was openly gay, my dad would just yell about it a lot I guess. We would get into a lot of verbal...and physical...altercations over it. Hearing you yelling at that girl back and forth just kind of reminded me of those days." Taehyung sighed and looked at me straight on as well. He never really tells me about his past or anything so this made me feel very trusted and happy. I knew from the shit his friends talked that his dad wasn't the best to him, but he just never really gave any details. "You reminded me of myself. Yelling back about now being gay isn't bad and all this and that, and the hateful stuff she was saying back reminded me of him."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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