I was coming closer, the light glowing lighter and lighter. I just closed my eyes as it was blinding me. Then i just saw black in my eyes lids, it's common but it was suppose to blind him because of the light.

I opened my eyes. It was a space, the left side being white while the other side being black. ' Huh? What's happening? '. I quickly thought but was met with 2 large figures in front of me on each side of the color.

" Ha? Is this the poor soul that one of your guardians accidently killed? HAHAHA! How hilarious! " a very deep voice spoke.

" Please behave, we might scared the soul. " a light voice spoke to the other. The said soul decided to spoke.

" Uh.. who- are you? " a visible scared tone in my own voice, i mentally cursed myself.

" My name is.. kami-sama, as humans call me. And-" 'kami-sama' was cut off by the other voice on the other side.

" Satan at your service, soul! " he excitedly introduced.

I read kind of fanfics like these on the app i really like so much. It an app where all my imaginations come to life. But i never thought it was real.. i thought that my memories will be erase if the reincarnation is true. But i guess not..

" Soul, i deeply apologize on the behalf of my guardians actions. He accidently.. how do i say this.. pulled your soul out of your body you while you were sleeping.[ Man just say kill!- ] We can let you live again but.. it's not going to be your body again or in your world. " he stated. I mean i did say that my world is boring so no hard feelings.

" He wants you to live in the Black Clover series. You know, the anime with a bunch of floating books and magic and stuff? " i deadpanned on how he describe it, but you were excited as well.

"But i don't want you ruining much of the story, but it's completely up to you. If you did change the plot so much, then it's going to a different direction. You'll find it hard attempting to guess the future events." he's right. I read fanfiction some of them kinda changing to plot because of their existence. So i decided to request something.

" Maybe a cat? " i suggested. They just looked at you, i mean in a world full of danger why wouldn't they?

You thought this was the best way you couldn't interfere with the characters. If they happened to pick you up then that's their problem, they should protect i am a cat after all, Bow dow to me magic knights! For, i am a vulnerable cat you must protect.

Then you heard a 'kami' speak again.

"Alright, good thinking soul! Any specific color you want as your fur?" I looked at him with a dull expression, soul? Really? Is that a nickname or do you call every dead person that. You wanted purple, but that would ruined your goal and peek people intrest in the street if you walk around with a color like that.

White maybe? No, i think in Black Clover it's rare to see cats at all? I don't think i've seen one in the series though. But if i choose white and i get dirty, it won't look really good on me.

But if i choose white and i have really pretty blue eyes.. i'll look like Gojo from Jujustsu-- ok i'll stop.

Black? If i get dirty, it won't be that noticable, and I'll still look pretty👁👄👁.

" I choose black " you suddenly speak suprising to two huge world destroyers-.

"Black? Wonderful color!-"

" Yeah, it reminds it of me. That's why you chose it right? "
The devil questioned.

What? I just chose that color cause i'll still look pretty even if i'm dirty af. But yeah let's go with that, i didn't want to anger him, i don't even know what angers him! But i wanna make sure.

" Yeah, totally! " You said giving a thumbs up.

" See? "He said before giving a really smug face to 'kami-sama'.

"I'll be sending you off now poor soul." Kami-sama said with a little irritated.

The devil just waved at you goo
dbye while you slowly close your eyes to re-open them to see the sky.

And that's where your journey begin.


Hope it was okay :)


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𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐒 𝐀 𝐂𝐀𝐓 | ᴮˡᵃᶜᵏ ᶜˡᵒᵛᵉʳNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ