Ron doesn't wait a further second before he's running off back from where he came from, through the little opening that ventures out into a little cave like room where all the other soldiers lounge about feasting and eating on their day off.

"You did good for your first day." Malleus announces as he finally turns to me, eyes now open and an endearing smile tugging at the corner of his lips. I bat my lashes at him in faux wonder, ignoring the loud scoff which comes from a man that I don't particularly want to pay heed to at the moment.

"She didn't do shite except for breaking into giggles every two seconds."

It's funny how the wind howls around the empty corridors and rattles the window panes in such a manner that it sounds something akin to words. Luckily it's just that and nothing more.

Malleus purposely follows my lead and instead pays attention to Rui, asking her to accompany the two of us to the wing where the mages are currently working their literal magic on the infected people.

"I hope they're all okay now. This magic is spreading like a virus. It needs to be contained as soon as possible." I murmur to the group as we make our way down the new corridors I've never traveled through previously. Malleus throws his arm around my waist and pushes me into his side just as Ezra pokes his head in between the gap through Malleus and I.

"I better not catch it. It'll throw off my vibe and I just met my mate. I need to be on my A game every second if you know what I mean." The sly tone in Ezra's voice has me scrunching up my face in disgust while shoving his face away with my hand, watching a flushed Rui avoiding eye contact with everyone, including her mate as she stares at the wall.

"I think everyone knows what you mean." I chirp just as Malleus oh so kindly adds his own two cents in.

"That's because you only last for seconds." My mate's words have me tripping over my own feet, nearly choking up at the way he smites my cousin. Malleus' grip on my body allows me to glide along with him, not missing a single step but I can't say the same for Ezra who staggers forward slightly, maybe even exaggerating it a bit if it weren't for Rui who starts to panic and hold on to him for dear life.

"There haven't been many lows in my life. I'll be the first to man up and admit," Ezra begins after clearing his throat and pretending like he wasn't just about to trip over thin air as he straightens out his shirt, "But that wasn't just low, that was before the belt. I thought we were bro's Malleus."

Malleus in turn scoffs as we enter through two clear double doors that have a keypad, which stops anyone from entering into it. The man doesn't even pause to punch in the numbers and passes through with all of us following.

"You are the farthest thing from a 'bro' I could ever possibly have."

"Don't you mean person?" Ezra tuts while I subconsciously flex my ears like I would do if I was in my wolf form, a sign of me wanting to broaden my hearing since the wing is eerily silent. Even though my Luna and I both didn't end up shrieking in pain from the weird magic pulsing through our veins, I was expecting some sort of hustle and bustle and not just plain silence. I mean, it would be silence if not for my mate and Ezra bickering around like two children.

"No. I mean thing." Of course, Malleus has to have the last word in every conversation unless it's me he's conversing with. You can't win all your battles, and my mate is quick to learn that when it comes to me.

"Where are they?" I cut through, taking heed of Rui's grateful expression as she tightens her hold on my cousin as a sign to shut the hell up.

"Through the next set of doors. They're being contained in the last room right at the end. I don't want any hysteria rising up from this. Not if I can help it." I start rubbing circles onto my mate's hand. The pent up tension oozing out of him and through our mate bond over to me, the mark making all the feelings heightened, and I'd be chewing viciously on my lower lip if not for Malleus' constant forbidding of me doing so.

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