| Chapter 29 |

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(After their comeback)

I couldn't believe what I'd just heard. There was no way that we'd won the Best New Artist award. I could feel the tears threatening to spill, I was frozen until Hyunjin took my hand and guided me to the stage I barely comprehended what was going on.

"thank you," I heard Hyunjin begin, after he finished he handed the mic to me.

"Thank you so much I don't even know what to say right now," I started.

"there's a lot of people I'd like to thank right now but I'll try to keep this short. First off, I'd like ot thank my fans, and my duo partner Hyunjin. I'd also like to thank the rest of Stray Kids for supporting us, and my High School friends. I hope to continue making music with my partner Hyunjin. Thanks again." I finished.


Even after the award show I still couldn't believe it, when I'd started this duo it was pretty much meant to be a joke. I didn't expect to actually win anything. Suddenly I noticed JYP walking up to us.

"I don't know about you but I think that went pretty well," We laughed, "How do you feel about renewing that contract." He asked, I looked at Hyunjin who nodded and glanced at me. I realized that he would be ok with whatever I chose to do. I looked at JYP.

"I'd love to," He smiled and nodded.

"I'll call you guys later about the details," He walked away leaving Hyunjin and I.

"Come on I've been here before so I know a place we can talk," I smiled and Hyunjin took my hand, guiding me to the rooftop.

"Jinnie what's going on," He stopped looking at the balcony.

"I was hoping tonight would be happy, I guess it was," He said, gazing at the stars. I couldn't help but notice how stunning he looked in the moonlight. We were both engaged in a comfortable silent for a few minutes.

"I love you," Hyunjin said suddenly. I looked at him.

"I love you too," I said without hesitation, because I knew it was true. He smiled.

"that was quick, are you sure?" I knew he was teasing me so I smiled.

"Yep," I said, moving closer to him to huddle for warmth, Seoul isn't exactly warm in the winter.

"Hmm, prove it," He said, I rolled my eyes.

"You know you could just ask me to kiss you," I said, shifting to face him.

"Alright then kiss me coward," He said, leaning over me. I didn't waste time reaching up to meet him, my arms winding around his neck. He placed his hands at my waist. No matter how many times this happened it always felt magical.

"One more thing," Hyunjin said, breaking away for a second.

"Jinnieeeee," I complained, he laughed, reaching into his pocket. My eyes widened, seeing the dainty silver ring.

"I know we haven't been together for a very long time, and we're both probably not ready to get married so I had this made, it's part of a three ring set. This one is a promise ring," I smiled. "I have one too," He brought out another ring, without rhinestones, a slim silver band with my initials engraved on the inside.

"So, what do you say." I nodded, I knew words wouldn't be able to convey the happiness within me right now, Hyunjin was so thoughtful about my feelings that I knew I was lucky to have him. Hyunjin gently slipped the ring onto my finger, and I put the other onto his.

"I love you," I whispered. He leaned down again to kiss me, he didn't need to respond the kiss conveyed all of the emotions that he would ever need to tell me.

"I mean damn," I heard Felix say, I broke apart from Hyunjin blushing.
"Felix what the fuck," I said, glaring at him.

"Love you too sis, anyway get back down here, we have to get going for the afterparty." He leaned over to see my hand. "ooOooooOooohhh," he smirked.

"It's a promise ring dipshit," I said.

"Doesn't matter, my sister Is in loooOOooove," He teased. I smacked his arm.

"Whatever, let's get downstairs." I said. We had fun at the party, responding to people's questions and chatting. But that wasn't what I was going to remember this night for.


There you go! That's the end, should I write an epilogue?



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