The one with the questions

Start from the beginning

"Are you okay?" Ginny asks before I walk out

I nod and keep walking. I walk past a group of Hufflepuffs, including Cedric. Some of the kids from the other schools are on the bridge as I walk towards the Defense against the dark arts tower to find Malfoy.

"Potter, Wait up" I turn around to see cedric. Looking at me surrounded by his friends. I look at him and take off running. I trip over my feet and fall into someone's arms.

"Are you alright?"

I look up to see the new transfer, Blaise Zabini. He seems nice from what i've heard.

"Yeah, uh, thanks" I say

He looks at my face and can see the bruise starting to form and the blood dripping down from my nose. He reaches in his bag and hands me a tissue. I take it and hold it on my nose.

"So How are you liking Hogwarts?" I ask as we walk towards our common room

He laughs lightly.

"You look like you got hit in the face with a broom and you're worried about me?" he asks

"I'm fine it's nothing" I tell him

"Well I made friends with Malfoy pretty quickly and I like how there aren't so many assignments this term. And I was told that you are one of the Triwizard Champions" He says smiling

"You heard about that?" I ask

"Well You are underage and everyone is talking about it. Are you excited?" Blaise asks

I laugh a little and look at him.

"Yeah, I'm excited. My brother on the other hand, not so much" I say

As we walk into our dorm I see Banners and balloons and all the slytherins waiting for me. I stop and Blaise comes up behind me and laughs.

"We did good, yeah?" He asks as Malfoy walks up to us.

"Blaise you did this?" I ask in response

"With my help of course. Well done Cousin" He says putting a hand on my shoulder

Blaise looks confused at first but brushes it off. We all walk back to the crowd and everyone talks all at once.

"So what did Dumbledore say?" Pansy asks

"He yelled at Harry for a few minutes before I told I put our names in, and then he asked me to tell him who really did it but I told him I couldn't and then everyone stopped talking" I say as I stand next to the window and stare at the fish swimming by.

"So then what happened to your face?" Cassius, the assistant quidditch captain asks me

"Weasley. It was an accident though" I say nervously

Everyone looks at me worried. I brush it off, not wanting to talk about it and Sit down on the couch. Pansy notices.

"So when is the first task?" She asks getting the attention on something else.

"A few days after the game against Gryffindor. I need time to figure out the task and set up my team" I say

They look confused and Cassius asks

"What team?"

"I get a team to help me with getting ready for the tasks and figure out the clues" I answer taking a sip of juice Blaise got me.

They all look at each other, then back at me.

"We'll do it. Pansy and I can help with the clues and Malfoy can be the emotional support" Blaise says

"Well cousin, what's it going to be?" Malfoy asks

"Wait, cousin?" Cassius asks confused

I rub my forehead and look at them.

"The real reason Malfoy and I split up was because we found out we are related. His aunt is my mother" I say.

They all look surprised.

"So your mom is really"

"Bellatrix Lestrange. I was adopted by the potters when I was a baby. I was supposed to grow up with Sirius but things didn't go as planned" I answer

They all look shocked but don't say anything. I take a sip of my juice

"Anyways, I heard that some guy is coming down from romania with dragons" Goyle says

I choke on my drink and everyone looks at me worried.

"I'm sorry what?" I ask

"Dragons, I heard Bagman and Crouch say something about some guy from romania bringing dragons" He responds

That's when it hits me, the first task is dragons.

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