❤️ San- ATEEZ ❤️

Start from the beginning

Seohyeon has been in school for a couple of months now. She's enjoying it and she's made a few nice friends. San and I are glad she is setting into life at school. That's our girl. Seohyeon is at my parents place tonight. She is having a sleepover with them. She loves having sleepovers with her grandparents and she loves spending time with them. It's sometimes nice when San and I have time together just the two of us. We can do whatever we want. He's been keen to have another baby recently. He said we can do it tonight when we've been on our date. We are going out for dinner to our favourite restaurant tonight. Can't wait to go out for dinner. We haven't been out for dinner in ages. It was before Seohyeon started school the last time we went for dinner. It's about time we went. We are heading out soon. We have a reservation for 7:30pm. Seohyeon went to my parents this afternoon. They picked her up from school. "Can't wait for tonight, baby" San says walking in our room. "Me too. It's gonna be great" I smile. "Oh yes it is. Promise we can be naughty later" he smirks. "Sure thing. Whatever you wish" I reply. Soon we head out to the restaurant for our dinner. We get seated at a nice table by the window and take a look at the menus. "I'm starving" San said. "Well we better order soon then" I reply. We order soon. Sometimes San gets angry when he's hungry. Haha. That's just him. The drinks come and then the food soon. San was so hungry, he didn't waste time. "Is it nice? I guess it is" I say. "Yes of course it is. Is yours?" he replies. "Oh yes delicious" I reply. San and I both enjoy our meal. We get a drink to end the night with before going home. We arrive home soon and I know what's on San's mind. Baby making. Yep. "Wow! That was a great date, jagiya" he said. "It was. Incredible but I'm missing out little princess a lot" I say. "Yeah be too. We'll have her back in two days. Baby, you know what I want now" San says. "Yes I do, baby" I reply. San smirks and stands opposite me. He places his hands on my hips and starts kissing me. I can taste the beer on his mouth but not complaining as he tastes so good. We kiss for a while in the lounge before taking it into the bedroom. San takes off his jacket and starts undoing his shirt. "Sexy sexy" i say touching his body. "You too, mama" he said. He slides his hand up my top and kisses down my neck to my chest area. Soon we were just in our underwear. "Imma put another baby in you now. I wanna be a daddy again" San said. "Yes I'm ready, baby" I say. We get in bed and take off our clothes. He's on the bottom and I'm on top. I feel San's member go into me quick. "Ride me like the window, baby" he says. "Yes yes" I moan. "Come on. Come on" San moans. I swear we could've done it all night. San was so keen to have another baby so yes we had great sex after our date night

A few months later and I'm pregnant again with our second child. The baby was conceived on our date night we think. I've just hit 4 months on my pregnancy now and we are going to find out the gender of the baby if we are having a boy or a girl. San wants a boy this time but he said he wouldn't mind if it was a girl again. I don't really mind but I guess it would be nice to have a little boy. We are on the way to the hospital for my scan and to find out the gender of the baby. Can't wait to. Seohyeon is with us as it's the weekend. She is looking forward to becoming a big sister soon. San finds a space in the parking lot. "You ready?" he says to Seohyeon. "Yep" she replies. She holds his hand as we walk into the hospital. I get called in on time for my appointment. "Hello, Mr and Mrs Choi. Ohhhh I see you have a daughter" the lady says. "Hello" I say. "Hi" San says. I lay down on the bed and she starts examining me. San and Seohyeon sit at the side of me. The lady puts the jelly on and we all look at the screen. "Look, Seohyeon. That's your baby brother or sister" I say. She looks and smiles widely. "Your baby is healthy, Mrs Choi and has a strong heartbeat. Would you like to know the gender" the lady says. "That's great and yes we would please if you're able to tell" I say. She examines for a few more minutes. "It's a boy!! Congratulations you are having a baby boy" she said. "Yay! A boy. That's great. That's amazing" San said. "I'm so happy. We are having a son" I say. "Baby brother" Seohyeon said. "Yes that's right, princess. You are having a baby brother" San said. We are so happy to find out that we are having a baby boy. We are going to be a family of four soon

Several months later and our son was born. His name is Sangwoo and he is adorable. San decided on the name. He has San's face and my eyes. A good combination I guess. We are so happy that he's here safe and sound. Seohyeon is obsessed with her baby brother and he's only two weeks old. She can't stop giving him hugs and kisses. She's old enough to hold him and cuddle as she's 6 now. I am sat on the chair in Sangwoo's nursery feeding him. I breastfeed him and it's good. I didn't breastfeed Seohyeon as I was 20 when I had her and I didn't really like the idea. Breastfeeding is good for both mother and baby. San is in the lounge playing with Seohyeon. I can hear them having fun. When I was feeding Seohyeon, the door files open and she runs in with San behind her. "Hey" I say. "She wanted to see her baby brother again" San said. "Okay that's fine. He's just finishing his feed" I reply. "Eomma, why do you feed Sangwoo like that? Did you feed me like that?" Seohyeon said. "Because it's good for him. I fed you with a bottle" I say. She nods her head. San comes over and sits next to me. "Our perfect little boy and our perfect little girl too" he said. "Indeed. Our perfect babies" I say. After I fed Sangwoo, Seohyeon wanted to cuddle him so she sat on the couch with him. "My baby brother. I love you. You're my best friend" she said. "Awww look at you two. You're so cute. Both of you. I love you both so much" San smiles. I smile. Our baby boy is here now and he has parents who love him and a big sister who is obsessed with him. So cute. Love our little family

A/ N: wow! That was a long one. Longest I've done I think. But it was a great one. How perfect and fine is San? Pink hair and a lip ring. Who the fuck does he think he is? He his bias wrecking me now. That pink hair though

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