He pulls me away and guides me down the bleachers. "Officer, she started it! It was self defense!" I yell trying to squirm out of his hold but he only tightens his grip. "I don't want to hear it," he deadpans.

He guides me to a police car.

Fuck, this isn't good.

He opens the car door and places a hand on my shoulder and shoves me inside.

Well would you look at that...

In the back seat with me sits Owen and Evan and in the front seat is Grayson. We all just stare at each other. "What the fuck!" I break the silence and everyone erupts in laughter.

"How the hell did we end up in the same police car, is what I want to know," Evan laughs. I look up to Grayson and his left eyebrow is split open and bleeding.

"What I'd like to know is how you ended up in this car," Grayson quirks and eyebrow at me then hisses in pain bringing his hand to his forehead. Everyone looks to me for a response.

"The Greenville girls started it and I fought back. It was clearly self defense. Officer over here," I point at the officer outside of my window. "Didn't care to hear my explanation," I complained, crossing my arms.

"What exactly did happen?" I ask them and their facial expressions turn deadly.

"I'm going to fucking kill him," Grayson sneers. "Who?" I ask. "Matt Ambrose," Evan spits out.

"We'll handle everything tonight," Owen states. "What's tonight?" I ask them and they quickly advert their gazes.

Keeping secrets are we...

I try to ask them what's happening tonight when the officer opens the driver door and takes his seat. He turns his sirens on and starts speeding down the road.

"Hey officer, It was clearly self defense, you can't take us in for that. What do you say about driving us home?" I try pleading to get us out of the situation. We all look at him waiting for a response.

"Take it up with the Chief," is all he says. We all sigh and lean back in our seats.

"Liam is going to kill us," Evan mumbles under his breath. My eyes widen. Shit I didn't even think about that.

We arrive at the police station and step out of the car. He has us turn around so he can put handcuffs on us.

"Is this seriously necessary?" Grayson scoofs as the officer puts handcuffs on his wrists. The officer doesn't say a word and guides us into the station. I look around and see that some of the guys from the team and the opposing team are sitting in cells.

Oh come on, it's just some high school rivalry. This is so blown out of proportion. He opens an empty cell door and we all walk in and take a seat on a cold metal bench. He closes the gate and locks it. Thank god he took the cuffs off because those are painful as hell.

We sit there with our heads held low, for what seems like hours. Evan found a tennis ball and is bouncing it off of the wall.

I let out a low laugh realizing I was just freaking arrested. I know it's not funny but I tend to laugh in bad situations. It's a bad habit I picked up.

"Brookes family, you're free to go," we all look up to see a guy with a badge on his shirt that reads Chief in a big font.

He opens the cell and we all walk out. We freeze when we see a furious looking Liam standing in front of us with his arms crossed. He turns around and starts walking out of the station and we slowly follow after him.

We climb into his car and it's dead silent as he starts to drive down the road. We all jump in our seats as he begins to yell at us.

"What were you guys thinking? Starting a fight?! And imagine my surprise when I got a call from the police station saying that all of you guys were arrested! And dragging our sister into this!" he yells.

"We were all on the field when this happened. We weren't anywhere near Lauren," Owen explains and I shoot him a glare. Thanks for throwing me under the bus buddy.

Liam snaps his direction to me. "How did you end up there then?" he eyes me. "Uhhh," I nervously say. "You know what? I don't want to hear it. You are all grounded for a month. No going out for any of you. School, practice then you head straight home," he explains.

"But-" Grayson attempts but is cut off when Liam shoots him a deadly glare. The rest of the car ride is silent as we brood in our seats.

We finally pull into the driveway. Liam slams the car door closed and we follow him inside.

Once we walk in, all of us retreat to our rooms. Alright guess we aren't having dinner...

It's 10:00 anyways so it's kinda late for dinner. I change into a pair of comfy shorts and a tank top and climb into bed.

As I'm about to fall asleep I hear hushed voices in the hallway.

"Shut up we can't wake Liam up or he'll ground us for two fucking months," someone sneers.

"Dude you're also gonna wake Lauren up. So shut the fuck up. She can't know where we are going, it's too dangerous," someone whispers.

And that's my cue.

I climb out of bed slipping on a sweatshirt and gym shoes. I creak open my door and tiptoe down the hall and down the stairs after them.

They quietly walk out of the house but they don't take a car.

Where the hell are they going?

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