Character Info

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As a normal person- Just imagine yourself

As a phantom thief/while in metaverse-

As a phantom thief/while in metaverse-

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Powers- While Joker has the ability to control and harness the powers of many personas, (Y/N) has the opposite. A criminal life has made it impossible for him to release his real self, even in the metaverse his true feelings refuse to show themselves and his persona can't be released. 

While he has no persona, he was still gifted with the ability to cast curse damage himself and the only one on the team who can damage personas before the fight even begins. Making him a very powerful lone wolf in the team. 

Background- Living alone most of his life meant that survival was a constant thought on (Y/N)'s mind. After years of trying to make enough money to make ends meet through working normal jobs, he came to the realization that the only way to survive was to become a thief. For a long time that worked perfectly fine, he would swipe whatever he could to make a quick buck, and at the end of the day wouldn't get caught. 

But one day he got sloppy, it had been a few too many days since he had last had a proper meal, so when he saw a purse out in plain view he took his chance. He regretted his decision immediately after he grabbed the bag, as a unmarked police vehicle turned on it's lights and before he had a chance to run he was surrounded by officers. They knocked him to the ground, injuring his arm, before putting him in cuffs.

When it came to his trial he expected to get a years for attempted theft but to his shock the judge showed mercy to the poor boy. Instead of sending him to the local prison, he was sent to become a foreign student in Japan as a part of an experimental reconditioning program.  


Ann Takamaki 

Makoto Niijima 

Futaba Sakura

Haru Okumara 

Tae Takemi 

Sadayo Kawakami 

Hifumi Togo

Chihaya Mifune

Ichiko Ohya 

A/N: I might bring in Kasumi later in the story but right now I haven't beaten P5R yet so I'm not sure what her character would act like. If you feel like I get any of the girls personalities wrong let me know, but I shouldn't since I have over 400 hrs on P5. 

And if you think this bio is missing any important info let me know, I might have forgotten or I might purposefully be waiting to give information about the character. Anyways I hope you enjoy the story. 

The Joker and the Thief (Male Reader x Persona Harem)Where stories live. Discover now