13: Almost perfect

Start from the beginning

"I am happy you remained civil throughout the conversation and even though she already has this idea that you're planning something and trying to lure her in with your apology."

My brows raise and I chuckle, "She hated me that much?"

"She believes you hate her and maybe soon she'll realise it's all in her head. But enough with talking about mom, how was your day today?"

"It's was good, better than yesterday." Because I'm finally getting an understanding of how things are run at the boutique. Although it looks so beautiful and simple from the outside, it is much more complex in its running.

Turns out that Anna isn't all looks after all.

"What about you?" I inquire.

"Well you remember the project I've been on in the last eight month?" when I nod, he continues "we were able to finish yesterday and we started testing them out today I believe they should be out there in the public tomorrow."

"You did tell me about your project, but you never told me what exactly they were or are?" I raise the question, with curious eyes

He points to the glasses he has on, "We decided to call it 'Sight' and for now, we have succeeded in its creation which will help to alter blindness of those who weren't born blind. Just like me a lot of people were born with functioning eyes but because of one circumstance or the other, they lost that ability. After my accident, Amade and Yogi my friends and partners at the company, started research to see if there was a possibility of providing solutions to this disability even if the solution is temporary. And over the past twelve months, Amade, Yogi and a few other scientists at the company came together to deliberate not just the invention, but a way to make it accessible and affordable since not everyone blind can afford a two million dollar sight-giving glass."

Okay, too much information to digest, but I do it at a slow pace."You're cutting down the prices? Wouldn't your company be at a loss?"

"No, we won't. In the last eight months, we have been able to figure out a way of illuminating the lens, and adjust the con and rod using the glasses."

"What about the surgery, don't they have to go through with the surgery the way you did?"

"No, not with Sight. I only needed it because we didn't figure the bypass step then but now with it, we only need the glasses, this cut down a lot of process as well as the risk and expenses. The only difference is that while mine works for fourteen hours, Sight only works for twelve hours."

That's still a huge accomplishment.

I am amazed at the way at which the brain of this man before me works and I can't help wanting to learn more even as we go on.

"Have you ever drop it then?" I ask, more of joked and I almost bite my tongue at how insensitive that might have sounded.

Hearing him laugh it off, sets me at ease, "No, but I have thought about dropping it a few times if that counts, but that would be throwing good money away, and I might as well have given it to charity, in Jaga's own words."

His big heart just warms me up on the inside.

"Besides, how will I see your beautiful face if I drop it?"

My cheeks heat up and I roll my eye at his cheeky line, I understand why Eli is always busy, especially now that he has explained the reason, and it does make sense.

"So how many glasses-Sight does the company have now?"

"About two hundred and fifty thousand have been tested to work perfectly and more still in process the company has spent more than a hundred million on creating and processing them. We will be sending them over to our other branches and partners all over the world."

My mouth is agape as I stare at him, Eli and his team have managed to do something great just to contribute to their society and beyond and it is truly amazing.

"Will you be able to get that money back?" I blurt out before I can help myself because over a hundred million is a figure I cannot even wrap my head around quite yet.

He nods, "Hopefully. Those who came together for this deserve to be paid for their time, dedication and hard work. Sight has been tested and they work just as good as mine does and I haven't experienced any side effect yet."

I just imagine all the lives they would be changing through this invention. "You guys are the real heroes and I feel guilty now for hating you for working late hours and for days you didn't try to call."

His eyes drop to the table and his grey eyes twitch a little, "Don't be, I apologize for keeping you in the dark for so long, I just felt that you might not understand or maybe not be interested in hearing about nerdy science stuffs."

"I am interested and I think you're doing great." I reach out and squeeze his hand.

The waiter brings our food in the steel tray and a bottle of red wine in his hands. He sets the bottle down on the table then follow up to do the plates and cutleries and glass cup down before us and lastly the bottle of water in the tray. He takes his leave once he finishes and we begin to eat.

I notice Eli's gaze on me, now and then, especially when I eat. I soon drop the cutleries before looking up at him with my brows rising. He immediately looks away from me down to his meal but it too late because I already caught him.

"Something fascinating happening on my face that I don't know about?" I ask, picking up my glass of wine.

He looks up with a raised brow, "Uh?"

I take a sip and drop the glass, my hands still around it. "Why do you keep staring?"

"I think you're different, you've changed a lot and I don't know what exactly it is, but that's what I get since I barely spent time with you in the past eight months."

My hands grip the glass handle so tight that I feel I will break the glass with my bare hands. My heart is going to explode from the inward panic happening therein at his words. I try to keep my expression neutral and give nothing away in my eyes, Eli is a smart man, smarter than he lets on and will know if something is different about me.

"Everyone change, Eli, you definitely aren't the man you were when we first met, but the question is if the change is for the better or the worse."

His hand reaches over the table and take mine in the gloves and though there is a barrier between our hands his touch is felt and the reaction sent to the rest of my body. "I love you, Anna and that's not going to change, but I have to admit that I like this side of you more. However, I am contented with whatever I get as long as I get to have you."

These words are the words any woman wants to hear their man tell them and it is almost perfect to my ears, almost because I am not Anna.

Eli is completely in love with Anna and hearing Anna tell me he does, isn't the same as hearing him say it.

I withdraw my hand from his touch and I pick up my cutleries, "That's good to know, Eli and I love you too."

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