"What? No, he just moved in next door" I quickly responded, "Besides, you know I like someone else" I added with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah. When do I get to meet the kid anyways?"

"Never" I laughed.


My dad dropped me off at the dance studio and I ran out of the car to get to the class. I ran into classroom to find that they were in the middle of warmup, doing bar stretches.

"I am so sorry I'm late again" I said as I found my way to one of the instructor bars.

Mrs. Carre just gave me a look of disgust and continued on announcing the combination.

"Psst" I heard a little girl say from behind me.

"Is everything ok? Do you need help with the combo?" I asked as I turned to face her.

" Your skirt has dirt on it" she snickered.

I looked at myself in the mirror to notice the bits of dirt on my skirt, as well as a few tiny holes. It must have been from this morning when I fell. I brushed it off and continued with the class.

I enjoyed teaching dance - or assisting. It was comforting to see the progress the little girls were making. It was one of the only ways I could actually participate in a class. My dad couldn't afford to put me in any dance classes after he divorced my mom. That's why I started to be a dance teachers assistant.

The class continued on. We did work in the center, as well as a few things across the floor. Saturday classes always seemed to go by the fastest, probably because it was in the morning, all of my other classes are at night.

The girls filed out of class one by one. Before I could leave, Mrs. Carre asked to speak to me.

"Miss. Lawrence, I need a word with you" she ordered.

I hung my head in shame, knowing where this conversation was headed.

"Mrs. Carre, I am so sorry for being late again I-"

"Don't worry, I'm not firing you" she interrupted, "I enjoy having you in the classroom"

"Then what is it?" I asked.

"I was going to mention that you should audition for company next week. You're such a talented girl, I would hate to see you waste your potential in a toddler class"

I was flattered by her comment, but I couldn't do it for obvious reasons.

"Mrs. Carre, you know I can't-" I shrugged.

"I know, I just thought I would try again" she smiled. "Come on and you should think about getting a new skirt" she laughed as we started to head towards the main lobby. When we got there, we found a boy my age as well as a little girl who I assumed was his sister. He was struggling to put his dollar into the vending machine.

"I'm afraid that's a loss cause young man. That vending machine hasn't worked in the last month" Mrs. Carre said.

When the boy turned around, I was surprise to see Eli. He's gone to my school for the longest time. We're kinda friends, I think. We would chat whenever we saw each other in the hallways, but other than that, he was really shy. Everyone at school bullied him for his lip deformity. I never thought much of it, I always loved the way he looked. From his looks to his personality. Well actually, everything about him was perfect! I guess that's why he's my crush and has been for the past 5 years.

"Hey Eli" I said as I wrapped my arms around him, bringing him into a hug.

"Blair?" He asked with a smile.

I heard his little sister gasp at my sight.

"Is this the girl you're always talking about?" She whispered, tugging on Eli's shirt.

I blushed at her comment. I didn't think much of it. He probably talks about all of his friends at home.

"Shut up Charlotte" Eli said.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I let go of him.

"I came to sign my sister up for classes, my parents are away for a while, so they asked me to do it"

"What classes?"

"That's the problem, she doesn't know"

"Well you can sign her up for a weeks worth of classes. This way she can try them all and pick out the ones she wants to do. Its completely free" Mrs. Carre added.

"That would be great" Eli smiled.

"Perfect, I'll get you the paperwork. Blair, do you mind showing them around?"

"Not at all" I said.

Charlotte jumped for joy and grabbed my hand.

I lead them down the hallway, showing them all the classrooms as well as the dressing rooms. When we finished with the tour, I decided to let Charlotte watch one of the classes that was going on from the hallway. To break the silence I finally spoke up.

"So you're all alone at home?" I asked

"Yeah, my parents are doing a trip to Europe. They invited me, but I didn't want to miss a month of school."

"That's cool"

"Yeah, you should come over sometime" He awkwardly added.

"I'd love to" I smiled.

Before I could continue the conversation, my phone started to blow up, it was my dad.

(D = Dad, B = Blair)

D: Where the fuck are you? You're gonna be late for your job at the pet store

D: Get your shit together

14 missed phone calls from Dad

I cursed under my breath in frustration realizing he was right.

"Is everything ok?" Eli asked.

"Yeah- I mean no, I gotta go." I say as I grabbed my shoes and water bottle.

"I guess I'll see you on Monday"

"Yeah" I smile as I start to walk to the front door.

"By Blair!" Charlotte yelled.

Mercy In My Heart // Hawk x OC x MiguelWhere stories live. Discover now