Start from the beginning

"it's so stupid," he pushed his head further into her warmth.

"hey," she moved slightly, watching his tear stained face resurface in her vision. poor peter. he looked so worn out. his eyes were bloodshot red and his cheeks were red and tear stained, bottom lip quivering. she stared up at him, raising her tiny hands to either side of his crying face. he basked in the comfort, honey eyes slipping shut and allowing tears to freely flow. "it's not stupid. it'll never be stupid, whatever it is. i promise, okay?" he nodded slightly, breathing shaken. "hate seeing you so sad." she mumbled lightly, thumbs slipping over his skin.

"i don't think i can do it, rory."

"do what?"

"today." he sniffled once more, curtained curls slipping over his forehead. "i can't learn like this."

bless his little cotton socks.

"i can't leave you like this." she mumbled, brushing her little thumbs underneath his swollen eyes, catching the falling salty tears. peter's lip wobbled at the words, so lucky to have his pretty girl. "we'll both skip." she promised, nodding with her words. "is that okay?"

his words were shaky. "yeah." peter sniffled afterwards, his chestnut curtains falling to sit upon his brows. a sad smile took over her features. such a pretty boy. she didn't like seeing him so hurt.

if only she knew, she was the real reason he was crying so hard.

aurora huffed at the cold, mumbling her thank you's to peter as he slipped the jacket off of her shoulders. her cheeks were tinted red from the cold air and her hands were busy holding two delmar's sandwiches. the pretty girl allowed him to take care of her, as much as she wanted to intervene, he insisted that it would make him feel better. that's why she allowed him to lead her by the small of her back to his bedroom, despite her knowing of where it was. aunt may was long gone at work, at least a few miles away.

"want me to take those?" he offered, placing their backpacks down next to the closed door.

the blonde shook her head, eyes watching him warily. "i got it. thank you."

he gave a half smile, lips pressed together. "do you, uh... do you wanna go to my room? it's a bit of a mess."

she spoke so softly he wasn't even sure that she was really there, stood beside him. "wherever you're most comfortable, pete."

finally, a real smile broke out against his lips, tear stained cheeks shining. "i'm most comfortable with you, rory." her heart was swollen. beating out of her ribcage. skipping a beat. eventually, peter did snatch the sandwiches away from her soft fingertips and carried them over to his bedroom, softly shutting the door when the girl slipped through. as brilliant as ever, her honey eyes glimmered are the sight of everything in his bedroom. it all screamed peter parker. sure, she'd been in his bedroom before, but she'd never gotten the chance to stare so deeply at the star wars figurines on the cabinet, or the stacked up taylor swift, blur and one direction cds. the short girl stepped forwards, aching arms at her sides. peter placed the sandwiches down on his bedside table momentarily, pulling his phone out of his pocket and missing the way that the girl stared so adoringly at everything that was his.

tiny hands reached out, grasping ahold of the camera that she'd seen so many times before. there wasn't a day that used to go by that peter didn't capture a picture of the debate team, or ned, or aurora, even before they were together. the chestnut haired boy always had a camera in front of his face, he was always filming them. her pouty lips twitched upwards, "i haven't seen you use this in ages. didn't you used to have two back ups?"

STARGIRL INTERLUDE ♡ peter parker Where stories live. Discover now