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  Matteo P.O.V

I have been in my room for the last two days and I got a call from the paternity place and said they mailed me the results a few days ago and said it should be there. I got up and went to check the mailbox. There it was,the results. I got in my car and drove to Roxanne's house, I don't know why,but I did. She came outside and got in my car, "Hey Matty Boo." I hate that name, "did you get the results already?" I showed her the envelope and she smiled, "Open it silly."

 I took a deep breath and opened it,I read it.....I.... I was the father. It said Matteo Bocelli half the baby's chromosomes belonged to me. "I'm the father."

"See I told you Matty boo." Roxanne said.

"Look,I'll be there for the baby,but we are not going to be together."

"Oh yes we will,"Roxanne said angrily, "you are not leaving me,we actually have a premiere tonight." 

"No,I'm not going." I said.

"Matteo Bocelli abandons his pregnant girlfriend for another girl who he was cheating with." Roxanne started fake crying.

" Why do you need to bring her into this?" 

"Because you're always talking about her. You are staying with me,we were doing fine until she stepped into the picture." 

"Roxanne,you can't control people." 

"Look,just tonight okay." Roxanne said rubbing her hand through my hair, "and then I won't say anything else about whats her name."

"Her name is Rosalyn." 

"Whatever,look this baby is yours to and I'm not raising it alone." 

"I'll be there with you,but that doesn't mean we're together."

"Hmm okay." Roxanne said.

She got out,"the limo will be there at 8pm tonight to pick you up,4 hours,don't be late." She said and slammed the door.

 "I'm a father." I felt like I was dreaming. "I'm a father,I'm having a baby with Roxanne,what? I wish it was with Rosalyn. I don't even deserve Rosalyn. I remember she told me she's waiting until marriage and that made me respect her even more. I really don't deserve her.

 I drove home and got ready for tonight. Time flew by fast. It was time for me to get dressed and go. The limo was waiting and when I got in Roxanne was in there and she hugged me, "hey Matty Boo,you like my dress,how about baby number two after this one."

" Baby number one wasn't even planned." I said. 

It took about 45 minutes to get to the premiere,Roxanne was starring in a new movie,that's why we were here. I got out and helped her out. She had on a dress that definitly showed the small baby bump. Cameras were flashing and she was on my arm. We smiled and answered questions. 

   "Roxanne,are you pregnant,is Matteo the father?" A cameraman asked.

Roxanne stopped, "yes I am and of course he is silly,he's the only man I love." Roxanne said.

Those words made me cringed,she doesn't love me and I don't love her,not anymore. 

"Was Matteo in another relationship with the girl from the video,a miss Rosalyn?" Another cameraman asked.

"Oh they just had chemistry for the video. That's why the video was so good. Matty boo is mine." Roxanne said leaning her head on me.

"Matteo is this true?" Cameraman asked.

"Yes,all for the video." I smiled. No I'm in love with Rosalyn.

"Fall on me" A Matteo Bocelli story.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora