Hearing the truth

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 After breakfast we had a little time to spare before we went to the police station. I've realized Matteo and I had to be there as well because we were involved. Matteo and I walked outside and sat in the field. 

    "I'm sorry again." I said.

"Hey I would rather be here than in front of the flashing cameras,its peaceful here and also no paparazzi's. I mean I wish it was better circumstances,but I'm with you and that is all that matters." He said pulling me closer to him.

  "Matteo because of me you're involved into breaking into someone's house and getting hit,tied up,and chased by crazy people. Also you have to go to the police and tell them what happened"

  "So,Rosalyn I'm cool with that. I'll tell them truth."

"What if someone recognizes you and your face is on tv?"

"I don't care."He was so humbled and caring, he didn't have to come with me,but he did. He didn't have to stay,but he did. "So what was that about with Alicia?"

  "Oh,it was nothing. She said she didn't know that her parents kidnapped Kat." 

"You believe her?" 

"I don't know,I want to,but I can't."

"I understand that." Matteo said hugging me. I felt so safe in his arms. 

Just then Dad drove by and blowed his horn.,it was time to go. We got up brushed ourselves off and headed to the truck. I slid in by Kat and Matteo sat by me. Kat looked so nervous,I gave her a shove and a smile, "what if they don't believe me?" kat said putting her head down

" They will."  I said

"Mr. Hughes has money, what if he payed them or something,I'm only a kid and he's a grown up." 

"Hey you have more power than you know." I said and hugged her, "I will be right there with you." 

"Thank you Rosalyn." She said hugging me back.

We were there in 15 minutes and we all got out and went inside the police station. They greeted us and we all sat in separate rooms. Kat asked for me,so I was with Kat. I was about to hear the story,something I was trying to avoid. 

  "Hi,Kat,I'm officer Jones,you can call me Miss Jackie." The officer said.

"Hi." Kat said.

"Hi and this is Mrs. Street,she's a friend of mine,she's just going to sit in with us,is that okay?" Miss jackie said.

"Yea,as long as my sister can sit with me." Kat said grabbing my hand.

"Of course." Miss Jackie smiled.

"So Kat can you tell me what happened?" Mrs. Street asked.

"Well it started with me getting mad at mom because she wouldn't let me go with Rosalyn to an awards show" Kat pointed at me, " I was to young,but I didn't think so. So i went to my room and packed some clothes and Cubbie and snuck out the window." 

" Were you going to walk there and who's Cubbie?" Miss Jackie asked.

"No,my feet would be tired,I was going to walk to a near bye gas station and ask for a ride because one of my friend's parents work there and they love me.I knew they would give me a ride if I would have asked. Cubbie is my best friend,my stuffed bear. I always feel safe with him."

 "So did you feel safe with Cubbie?" 

  "Yes,but I felt when I dropped him when someone grabbed me." 

  "Grabbed you?"

"Yes,but I have more before I got kidnapped,So I was off on my journey and about 10 minutes on the road I heard crackling in the woods,I kept walking,but then I heard footsteps running and I ran,but someone grabbed me and I screamed once,but they put a cloth over my mouth and I felt weird and everything got dark. I was scared."

"Fall on me" A Matteo Bocelli story.Where stories live. Discover now