Shehnaaz turned towards her embrace, nuzzling into her shoulder, "I was just out of the shower and thought to get tea before packing the remaining things, but when I reached for my mug in the cupboard" She sniffed, "I just... It's gone. All of it."

"It's not gone, Shehnaaz. It's just packed, you'll see it again in two-three days."

"Not the mug, Veere." she said with a wave of her hand. "This whole life. Everything I've built here, all my friends, the animal shelter, my pets, this home, you, bhabhi and Krish... I couldn't have you guys there with me. It's over."

He held her a little tighter. This he could understand. "It is over." he said. "But there's another beginning just around the corner. And as much as...- he looks at his wife, whose eyes were shimmering with unshed tears- as much as I'm a little apprehensive in believing him, he will be there with you to experience this new beginning. And that's the best part about it. Isn't it?"

Shehnaaz nods her head, sniffling while Anita softly drop a kiss on her head.

".... I've been thinking 'bout tomorrow Instead of drowning in the past.... " Shehnaaz and Anita looks at Arjun as he starts to sing the song, he looks at Shehnaaz a sad smile on his face, "Remember this song?"

She smiles through the tears as she recognize the song her sister used to sing for them, ".... We had good times even back when Dreams were all we had to last.... " She sings.

Finally Anita joins them, "..... So as I wake up this bright morning. Nothing's gonna bring me down
Waves are singing, wind is warm and
Summer's here to stick around...."

They all stayed there on the floor, singing an old song plucked from their memories, the cold coffee on the floor forgotten, they didn't had anything to say to assure each other, nothing had anything to do something that could fill the gnawing void in their soul. For so long Shehnaaz lived there, with her brother, then Anita came into their life and filled it with endless happiness and togetherness. They didn't have much; only the important things: each other, love, and laughter. It was because of then she began pushing herself to become the person she had the potential to be. They are her family.

Her throat clogged with emotions, how is she supposed to leave her family? A tear rolls from her eye, as she remembers a scene where she and Krish watching lilo and stitch and then the scene when she had to go for a trip with Zara, and Krish stood in front of her, both hands on his waist and with a scowl he says, "How can you go alone to the trip? Didn't we learn last week? Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten."

Shehnaaz closes her eyes, she did not know what is she suppose to do? She doesn't know how to cope with the biggest change of her life?

* * * *

Maria Clemonte found herself looking up at the clock on the stove periodically, as she tried to focus on making the grilled cheese sandwich for the breakfast.

6:58 AM

Two minutes left.

Maria placed the sandwiches on the plates, she set the plate on the table with, orange juice for her parents, then she walked quickly towards the front door, pulled it open and stuck her head outside. The felt air cool on the winter morning.

"Just checking to see if the mail is here." she called to her parents.

"A little early for the mail, isn't it?" her father questioned drily, taking a bite of the sandwich.

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