She searched for her phone and when she found it, she took a deep shuddering breath before clicking the first contact she had on speed dial and waited patiently for her to pick up.


''Mani bear?''

"Laur, hey, you're crying, what's wrong?

''I need to tell you something... Can you meet me at Starbucks in like ten minutes?''

''Yeah, sure, I'll be there, see you in a bit, and Laur?''


''I love you, you know that, right?

''Yeah, I just hope you still do after today.''

''You're starting to worry me, Lo...''

''Ten minutes. See you then.''

She hung up, and cleaned her face from all the smeared make up before taking the ten minute drive to Starbucks, hoping she wasn't about to lose her best friend.

When Lauren got there, Normani was already inside, biting her nails nervously. Lauren sighed and reluctantly walked over. She pulled a chair out and sat, looking anywhere but Normani's eager gaze.

''Laur?'' she said, grabbing Lauren's hand in the process.

''Mani, there's something I need to tell you... I figured you should be the first one to know.''

Normani looked at her expectantly and Lauren struggled to keep eye contact when she whispered the words, ''I think I'm gay.''

Lauren didn't want to look up and see Normani's face, she couldn't decide whether she was or wasn't prepared to see her upset, confused or mad, but what happened next surprised her to say the least.
Normani broke the silence after a few moments, and answered her, ''Okay, and then?''

Lauren shot her eyes up at her to meet hers, and she searched frantically for any signs of her response being a joke, but she never found one, and it caused tears to well in her eyes,
''Wha- what?'' she managed to crack out.

Normani smiled slightly and squeezed her hand, ''You think you're gay, so what?''

Lauren scoffed out a sob, ''You're okay with that?''

Normani's smile grew at the incredulous look that Lauren was giving her, and she stood up to pull Lauren in for a hug,

''Laur, you're my bestfriend, I may not understand it, or relate to it, but that doesn't mean I think it's wrong? Why wouldn't I be okay with it? Remember that promise we made in kindergarten?
Lauren wrapped her arms tightly around Normani as she cried onto her shoulder, but pulled away to hold out her pinky, just like Kindergarten, ''It's you and me...''Normani smiled, and wiped the tears under Lauren's eyes before sticking out her own pinky and interlacing it with Lauren's, ''Against the world.''

''But, it's a lot to take in, what if people look at me differently, and start hating me? I mean aren't you grossed out? Aren't you going to be guarded now, like ''what if I hit on you''?''
Normani chuckled a little, "Lo, we've known each other since Kinder, I think if you would've hit on me, it would've happened by now, besides I'm too hot for you.'' The two girls laughed a little, and Lauren nudged her shoulder, ''No but really, how is this so easy for you, it's practically an abomination...sinful, wrong.''

Normani sighed, and put a comforting hand on her shoulder, ''Lauren, being gay isn't an abomination, the way people single out people who are, is what's an abomination. How are you so sure, it's a sin? Has God told you, himself? And you shouldn't look for reasons as to why it's wrong, you should be content with why its right, for instance, if dating a girl makes you happy? Then so be it. Maybe not everyone will agree with the way you and I think, but that doesn't mean it's wrong, some people just know how to understand certain things, without experiencing it themselves, you know?''

"But I'm scared, Mani...'' Lauren looked like a little girl, afraid of the world being afraid of her, and it hurt Normani.

''Yeah, it might be scary at first, but my hand will always be there for you to hold, and you won't know how people will react until you give them a chance...''

''Is it worth it?''

''Is happiness worth it? I bet once you've conquered your demons, you can find sixty reasons as to why it is worth it, just like Camila will.''
Lauren cringed at the name but smiled softly nonetheless and pulled Normani in for another hug, ''Thank you, for accepting me.'' She whispered.

Normani pulled away and kissed her forehead, ''It's my job, it was in the best friend pamphlet.''

They both smiled, and Lauren went home knowing exactly what her first of sixty steps to making it up to not only Camila, but also herself.

The next morning

Lauren watched anxiously from behind her locker door for when the brown-haired girl would walk through the front doors of the school. She had told Normani her plan, and confessed to Camila being the person she wanted to pursue, and was surprised to find out that Normani already had an idea as to who had captured the girl's attention, and although she told Lauren it'd be a struggle to get the girl, she agreed to help anyway.

Normani stood behind her watching just as anxiously and both drew in a sharp breath when the door opened to Camila walking in with a smile on her face for the first time.

Both girls smiled and exchanged looks and decided to be less obvious and bury their heads in their lockers.
They peeked every two seconds to see if the girl had opened her locker yet, and tapped their feet impatiently as the girl took her sweet time to get there.

Finally she did, and they watched excitedly as she opened it, and a small blush arose on her cheekbones as she grabbed the rose that sat in her locker. She pulled it out and smelled it which caused Normani and Lauren to squeal silently and hi-five each other. They continued watching as Camila removed the tiny note that was attached to it, and read it.

"Reason 1 out 60 as to why you shouldn't take the pills: There will always be a better tomorrow. -The girl who ran out of time.''

A small smile broke out on Camila's face and her eyes wandered up to meet Lauren's gaze with an eyebrow raise. Lauren beamed and bit her lip and gave her a small wave which Camila playfully rolled her eyes but returned the gesture before walking off to class.

A/N: Hey guys. :-) thank you so much for 2K reads ! i'm going to update more often so next update is in a few days !! leave a comment if you like habit :-) i love you guys ❤️

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