How You Kiss

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He towers over you and pulls you close. Its usually a little kiss but you both end up wanting more which leads to a make out.


He kisses you slowly and to torture you more by biting your lip as he pulls back. That only drives you more crazy and you kiss for longer.


His kisses are loving and slow. He makes sure you know he loves you and that you're safe. When he wants you bad enough he will get a bit rough.


Your kisses are wild. You kiss in the craziest places and at the randomest times. Whether its at a disco themed arcade or underwater you're always making out. Its not excessively even its just whenever it feels right.


You usually end up attached to him. Casey likes to pick you up and pull him close to himself. You can't help but contort your body around him just to get a kiss.


He likes to embarrass you when you're outside together. He smushes your face into his chest and kisses your head an infinite amount of times and when you've given up you take the kisses in stride and frown. People look at you and "aww" but you find it humiliating.


Your kisses are full of passion. Your arsm around his neck pulling him closer and his arms around your waist. You're both as close as can be and still kissing.


You push him against a wall and kiss the life out of him. Jake finds it hot when you takeover so you do it quite often. Of course he still has more control over you and even his hand around your waist can make you weak in the heat of the moment.

A/an I like doing these they are kidna different but the pictures make it easier for me to understand and hopefully you as well. I thought Reece's pic was amazing because its look like him kinda and *fans self* its a erm great pic.
I lcoe you guys and sorry if I caused any heart trauma. <3

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