"Nice to meet you, Mila's-future-boyfriend. You got a name?"

"Kai Parker. But I prefer Mila's-future-boyfriend. It has a nice ring to it."

"You're about to be Mila's-future-murder-victim if you both don't stop talking like I'm not here."

Her father raises his eyebrows, leaning in a little closer to Kai. "You sure you want to date her?"

"Yes." Kai smirks. "Very much."

"I don't like the two of you together," Mila states, dragging Kai away by the arm before her dad could encourage him further.

"Don't be upset, Mila. I know part of the bad boy fantasy is to have your parents hate me, but it's not my fault I'm naturally endearing," he whispers into her ear once they were settled at the dining table tucked into the corner of the spacious kitchen. They had slid into the side that had the booth, leaving the other two chairs across from them open for her parents. The house had an actual dinning room, but they really only ate in there on special occasions.

"You're not a bad boy. You're a homicidal maniac. Think they'll find you endearing when I tell them that?" She nudges his shoulder with his, hoping he'd take the hint and give her some space, but he just scooted closer.

"Hey, former homicidal maniac. Still mega powerful, though."

A scoff is accompanied by the roll of her eyes, and she starts to second guess her decision on letting Kai prolong his stay. Feet away from them, Natalie gets out the necessary pots and pans she'll need for the meal. After flipping through her recipe booklet, something that she has added to over the years, she settles on something she knows everyone will like. Although, before scouring the cabinets for ingredients, the woman happens to glance over her shoulder, watching her daughter play footsie with her guest underneath the table; from the grimace suddenly altering Kai's face and the smug expression on Mila's, it was obvious she had won.

"Mila, you're gonna give the poor boy bruises." She breathes out a laugh, entertained just like her husband by Mila's behavior. Usually, she's always so composed and calm, never throwing much of a fuss. But now, seeing how easily Kai gets under her skin, making her stutter and blush and act like a child... for the first time Natalie has seen her completely carefree.

"Maybe if you gave Dad more bruises, you would have gotten your diamond."

"Uh, actually she would have gotten a restraining order." Evan announces, entering the room. With his fingers working on loosening his tie, he leans against one of the counters.

"Yeah, and if Elijah Mikaelson stayed in town, you would have gotten divorce papers."

He stops fumbling with his tie."Okay, seriously what is it with that guy? You mention him almost every day."

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder." Natalie shrugs over the stove, feeling her husband come up behind her and wrap his arms around her middle. He puts his chin on her shoulder.

"I disagree." Evan sighs, holding onto his wife tightly.

Her mother smiles, pivoting her neck to peck him on the lips. "Nice try, but I still want a bigger diamond."

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