Night Watcher

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                                                      ~~~ Somewhere in the sewers~~~

Raph's POV

"Calm down Raph. Besides we don't know anything about this Night Watcher guy"  Fearless leader says as he trying to diffuse the wasn't working.

Now  let me explain some stuff to you before anything else. The name's Raphael ... Raph for short, I'm the second oldest out of my four brothers. With Leonardo being the firstborn , I'm also the muscle of a the group. Honestly there are times I imagine my brothers would come back home with more injuries or worse... if they didn't come back at all , if I wasn't there to kick butt alongside them.

I mean there haven't been close calls so far (Dexter Boxman or whatever his name was ...he didn't count) , but there are times that I have those fears. As you can already tell I'm pretty protective of my brothers and sensei  even though I don't show it much ,they know I still care for them.

Also we live in the sewers underneath of NYC and you think that's weird. Yeah well... here's the thing me and brothers are actually turtles.  Wait? You thought we were humans? Hahahah! Oh this is too good *sigh* yeah no we're actually turtles... mutant turtles to be exact, yeah and that's not all we also know ninjutsu aaaand that's all I'm gonna say.

Anyways the reason I'm so angry it's because, apparently we overlooked a few more kraang warehouses besides the one my brothers and I infiltrated. It was thanks to April that we were able to stop their plan to pollute the city's water supply with mutagen. We thought it was the only warehouse the Kraang had.

Only... it wasn't...and how we know about this is? It's  because my brother Donnie found a note that has the names of the streets with with an X next to them and underneath them it had 'Kraang Warehouse' , with the name Night Watcher signed on there.

When I got a look at it my blood was boiling even more then usual, since it seemed like this guy was mocking us. I'm starting to believe it since Night Watcher seems to plant the notes of information that we seemed to have missed about the Kraang . Ugh! It makes me wanna punch that guy in the face if I ever met him.

So here I am coming  back to the lair with my brothers in tow, figuring out of the situation of our newest potential enemy (or ally).

" Except  that he's often sighted where the kraang's other warehouses are." Donnie said as he was typing on his computer to get the location of those  ninjas we saw last night. Leo and I gave a "seriously" look in response. "What?I'm just saying " Donnie said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well gee thanks point dexter , as if it isn't obvious already that this guy shows up and steals our thunder for the past few days stopping the Kraang before we even show up-" before I could rant , my little brother Mikey interrupted me.

"Well... how I see it bro I think he's doing us a favor" he said nonchalantly sitting on the floor in the living room area of lair, while reading one of his comic books.

I clenched my hands into fists , that were starting to shake with rage on what my little brother was suggesting. Before I could do or say anything though,  Leo beat me to it .

" I bet he is Mikey, but we don't know anything about him...... for now." fearless leader said while giving me a pointed look as he added that last part.

'I do not like where this is going' I internally said before saying anything. "What do you mean by that Leo?" Donnie asked.  " I mean...maybe we should recruit Night Watcher -"

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