Episode 5| Blood

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Ming-Seon - I got a call from miss. Yeon Son's P.A

Mr. Sung-Woo - What are you waiting for? Bring her in.

(Ming-Seon looks pale and starts shaking)

Suik-Ana - (Anxious) Speak up, where is she?

Ming-Seon - Miss Yeon Son was hit by a trailer on her way to the office this morn...

(Tears swallows her voice)

Dan-woo - (Eyes turns red) This cant be true, wrong information.

Suik-Ana - (Tears rolls down her cheek) Where is she? Where is my sister!?

Ming-Seon - She was admitted in the city hospital, I'll leave now.

(She leaves in tears, sniffling)

Suik-Ana - (Quickly arranging her handbag) This cant be happening to my sister.

(Suik-Ana is about to leave)

Dan-woo - (Sad) Ana, I'll come with you.

(Dan-woo and Suik-Ana leaves sadly and hurriedly)

Mr. Sung-Woo - This meeting will be rescheduled, I'm really sorry for taking your time.

India Investor - We are really sorry for such a bad news.

Dubai Investor - Accept our grieving for this bad news.

(Everyone leaves one after the other sadly and contemplating)


(Light shines on the big building and finally drops in Room 024, Dan-woo, Sung-Woo and Suik Ana were seen looking at Yeon Son through the window, who is lying helpless on the hospital bed)

(Light shines on the big building and finally drops in Room 024, Dan-woo, Sung-Woo and Suik Ana were seen looking at Yeon Son through the window, who is  lying helpless on the hospital bed)

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(Yeon Son on the hospital bed)

Mr. Sung-Woo - Doctor Stewart Rema, Hope my daughter is okay...

Dr. Stewart - Miss. Yeon was brought to the hospital 2 hours late, she lost alot of blood and I also found out that she fiercely hit her forehead on the wheel, it seems to damage both her brain and her humane. (Exhales sadly) If operation is considered, we may lose her or she may be alive but lost consciousness and behave abnormal. It is based on "Maybe".

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