Episode 8

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(Yeon Son and Nurse Leakey walks in)

Mr. Sung-Woo - (Astonish as tears streams down his red eyes) Yeon Son!?

Yeon Son - Dad!

(She runs and embrace her dad tightly)

Suik Ana - (Pretence) Unnie!

(They had a big family embrace)

I miss you a lot.

Yeon Son - I miss everyone, I didn't imagined myself dead for 5 good years.

Mr. Sung-Woo - Thank goodness you are back.

Yeon Son - (Anxious and curious) Sis, are you married to Dan-woo now?

Suik Ana - He left few month after you were admitted, I had to move on with Patrick.

Yeon Son - (Astonish) I don't get, thought you love Dan-woo. Why didn't you go after him?

Suik Ana - He left SEPC , he left us!

Yeon Son - SEPC? Dad... You changed the company's name?

Mr. Sung-Woo - Yes, Since we relocated. (He pause and exhales) Kindly rest dear, you just recovered.

Yeon Son - I'll introduce Nurse Leakey to everyone. She really took care of me when I was an inmate at the hospital.

(They exchange Pleasantries smiling)


(The secluded environment, rumours spread that the neighborhood is meant for few personalities. The place is so quiet and it seems the neighbors are isolated to each other too, Patrick is seen in his bedroom playing computer game with his desktop while Suik Ana pace around the bedroom contemplating)

Suik Ana - I thought she will never come back! I wasn't expecting her in our lives anymore.

Patrick - (Pause game and turn to Suik Ana) What do you mean? The last time I checked, you were so happy to see you sister. Why are you so worried all of a sudden? After all, Dan-woo is no longer more here.

Suik Ana - Apart from that, Dad wants to make her the heir. I can't let that happen!

Patrick - (Place hands gently on her shoulder trying to calm her down) Babe calm your nerves down. She is your blood and trust me Yeon Son will still give you part in her shares.

Complicated Emotion ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat