Episode 4| Love at Last

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Hello readers
Forgive me for not saying this
On my first episode.

This is my first book here.
Please feel free to drop a comment.

My story is more like a drama, full of romance and jealousy.

Now let's begin the next episode.


After the Kiss

Dan-woo - (Pulls away) That was totally a mistake.

Yeon Son - Dan-woo, I'm tired of dying in silent, I don't want to force you to love me either. It's over between us, go ahead and do whatever you want with here cos I don't share my MAN.

Dan-woo - Yeon Son, we can fix this.

Yeon Son - Fix what? You give me fake excuses and spend all your time with her, what the need of having me? I'm releasing from this bond called relationship.

Suik Ana - Sis, you have to calm down.

(Yeon Son laughs sourly)

Yeon Son - Calm down? Huh! This is exactly what you wanted and I'm giving it to you easier than you expect, you both have fun

(She takes a smile and leave but pause at a corner)

Suik Ana, Dad wants you in his office

(She leaves completely with a fake smile)

Suik Ana - I'm really sorry Dan, I'll talk to her.

Dan-woo - I lost her and this is what you always wanted.

(He emphasize)

You won!

Fades out...


(Mr. Sung-Woo is on a video call with the incoming attorney beside him is his two daughters)

Mr. Sung-Woo - Permit me to introduce my daughters to you.

VIDEO CALLER : My pleasure sir.

Mr. Sung-Woo - Meet my first daughter, the managing director of SEMC, Suik Ana.

(They both exchange pleasantries off screen and onscreen)

Mr. Sung-Woo - And my second daughter, the head of internship directorates of SEMC, Yeon Son.

Yeon Son - (Smiles) I never imagined an attorney to be this handsome, it's nice to see you sir.

VIDEO CALLER : It's nice to see you two pretty ladies. I'm attorney Patrick, one of the best lawyers here in The Philippines.

Yeon Son - It will really be fun working along side with you.

Mr. Sung-Woo - Definitely true my dear.

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