Making friends

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This chapter isn't the best but I promise it gets more interesting.

Keep a lookout for those movie quotes


It was getting late and Oakley was getting tired of all the questions. People had been coming up to her all night, asking her to show them her powers and after 5 hours she was feeling pretty drained. And Astrid could see that all she wanted to do was go to sleep as she lay her head in her arms on the table in front of her.
While she loved being free and having people to talk to and hot food instead of the cold food her father brought home every night, this was all a bit much for her first night.

"Excuse me." She said lifting her head, before leaving the table.

"Are you okay?" Her brother asked.

"I'm fine, I just need some fresh air." She said, her face looking a little flushed.

"Did you want me to come with you?" He added.

"No, it's okay. You stay here with your friends." She said before heading out of the great hall. She stepped outside and stopped to take in a deep breath of fresh air, the first chance she'd had to appreciate being outside that bedroom of hers. You know, without breathing in smoke fumes or the stench of mead in the great hall mixed with hundreds of male Vikings who probably haven't showered in weeks.

She took a few more deep breaths before looking towards her hut... No way was she going back there tonight. She was going to enjoy her freedom and go exploring. She quickly turned towards the forest toward the north side of the island and headed on her first adventure.

As she looked around at the dark creepy forest she suddenly found herself lost in, she realized she should have waited until morning to go on an adventure alone. It didn't help that she was scared of the dark. She wasn't scared of much but she hated not being able to see what was happening around her, it had been dark when her mother disappeared from right in front of her and it haunted her to this day.


She jumped and gasped as she turned around to see what made the loud noise that caused her heart to drop.

"It's okay... It's okay. It's just me and Stormfly." A reassuring, slightly familiar voice whispered from the shadows, before emerging to reveal a young blonde woman. It was Astrid. And her Deadly Nadder.

"Astrid." Oakley sighed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." She stated apologetically.

"It's okay... I just got a little..."


Her head quickly spun around, "...Lost." She whispered.


"Maybe, you should..." Astrid said before she heard another snap. They were getting closer.

Suddenly, a large creature emerged from the shadows. A dragon. Deep blue, some light blue patches with some pastel purple details, that closely resembled Oakley's eyes. She started to back away as the dragon slowly walked towards her, tilting its head like an oversized puppy.
Something seemed familiar. Oakley remembered seeing this breed of dragon in a book. She read lots of books, her room was filled with them. Reading was her favorite escape from reality. It was like all these doors opening to all these different worlds and she could just walk right inside. She was pretty sure she had read every book on Berk at least 5 times.
She thought. *This dragon is a Stormcutter. Sharp class. Two pairs of wings. Three tail fins. Approximately 31 feet long as an adult, although this looked like an adolescent. Shot limit - 8.* as she continued to back away from the advancing dragon.

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