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So yeah, they got together... I wasn't really sure about why I wasn't that happy with this, they were two of my best friends after all, I should have been glad. But I wasn't. I had this kind of possessiveness towards Shawn that I will never admit, but it was there.

I just acted like it didn't bother me. I was a good actress after all. But at some point, seeing them all around the apartment with her clinging on him was too much I could handle so I decided to make myself busy. I was John's assistant for a few months now and this last week I've spent all of my evenings with him.

"Don't you have anywhere else to be dear? It's almost 8."

I smiled at him and shook my head.

"I still have work to do, this script isn't perfect yet."

"And we start to audition in a month so there's no rush. What is really going on Camila?

I sighed.

"My roommate has her girlfriend, who also is my best friend by the way, over all the time. And seeing them all over each other each time I step out of my room is too much for me so yeah, I'm glad to do extra hours."

He observed me for a minute before lightly smiling.

" Are you in love with your roommate? "

I laughed.

" No! Absolutely not. He's Shawn. The annoying guy who happened to be someone I like very much, platonically, of course. "

" Of course. " He said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and resumed what I was doing.

" You know, if you want to keep yourself busy I might have a good opportunity for you. "

" Yeah? "

I glanced over him. I definitely didn't need a second job but I wanted to be busy.

" Well my good friend Pete is the director of a musical and they're auditioning right now. Do you want me to get you an audition? "

I raised my eyebrows.

" Of course! John you're the best!"

He chuckled and took his coat on the chair.

"I'll call him tomorrow, I'm done for today, I'm sorry kid but I have to throw you out."

I laughed and took my coat too. If I have the part, it would just be wonderful.

When I got home, Hailey was surprisingly not here and Shawn was playing guitar on the couch. Like the good old days. I smiled at him and he smiled too.

" Hey! You're home late."

"Yeah I was busy with John."

"I hope he pays you the extra hours because I've barely seen you these last two weeks."

"Don't worry about that." I said chuckling nervously and he nodded.

"I've already eaten but there some left in the fridge."

I thanked him and heated my meal. Then I sat on the couch with him and we talked and laughed. I noticed his hair was a little longer. It suited him. He was thrilled to hear about the great news and told me about the hilarious last date of Justin. I'd missed that. I'd missed him.


" You're sure you don't want me to come with you?"

"No Hailey, it's not a musical directed by Juilliard this time, it's professional so I have to act like a... Professional."

Consequences Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora