Many herbs and veggies grew in these pots, he even has two Apple trees and Banana trees on all four corners of the place. 

It was your favorite room out of the hole mansion.

Yes, he lives in a mansion. 

What can you say? He's a rich hero who almost owns everything in the world.

Well, not everything. 

But besides the point, he and Tokoyami have been noticing your off behavior.

It's not just today.

It's been going on the past three days. 

Both of them are starting to get worried. 

Not just because you're ignoring them, but you're getting much skinnier than you've been.

Seeing you not eat, being gloomy, even ignoring Keigo's dog flapper is making their hearts break. 

(Yes, I made Keigo own a dog, fight me.)

All-day you have been up there, not wanting to face them but just to look up at the sky.

Your father contacted you today, asking what's the matter.

But you told him you were fine, and just disconnected the mind connection. 

It has gotten darker quickly, the stars glimmered down at your form as you hugged your knees. 

Flashbacks of the events that happened three nights ago rang through your head.

Tears streamed down your face, making your body suddenly shake. 

*Flashback to the horrible nightmare.*

"Hello! This is Ming from 18 news, the most famous dragon hero who has saved a poor family from a terrible attack. Just on time in fact. What would we do without this amazing hero? Back to you rob."

The cameraman held a thumbs up, telling the lady the recording is finished. 

Scoffing she put the camera down while you start to walk away from the human. 

"Just wait a minute freak." The reporter called out, making you freeze. 

'Freak?' you thought, slowly turning your way to her. 

"Just because your an all-good hero doesn't mean you that perfect bitch. Your ugly, too fat for your own good and your attacks aren't even that impressive." She explained, stepping a lot closer while making your fist clench. 

"If you want to become the greatest hero oh so Lion savior. Then maybe start to lose a lot more weight. Or even better, how about you cut yourself instead? That will make things a lot better for us." She finished, causing a tear to crawl out your eye. 

"Oh by the way 'Hero'. Back at the sports festival, they should've left you to die." She added, darkness formed around the background.

More tears choked out of your eyes, seeing the stupid reporter walk away.

Something about her words hurt you, seeing red blood writings on the wall made you scared. 

You wished Ikun was here, but somehow he wasn't.

But instead, he left you all alone. 

In complete darkness.

"I-Ikun!" you choked out, seeing the same blood on your hands from the sports festive. 

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