"We'll find her." Aro said, placing his hand on my shoulder. "Its just taking a more little-" I heard my phone and rapidly picked it up, not caring who it was. 

"Yes?" I asked hoping for news.

"We may have found her." I heard Alec say. "But theirs an issue." I could hear Jane mumbling on the other side of the phone. Is she counting?

"What?" I asked. "I dont care what it is. Kill anything in your way. Get her back-" I was cut off when I heard Jane in the back ground say 30.

"Newborns. Almost 30. That is if there isn't any in the house." Alec said. I felt my blood boil. My mate and children were surrounded by 30 new born vampires!? "Hes not just been turning children. Hes been turning anyone he sees. Though from what we can hear there's a child inside the house." A child? There was 30 new born vampires and an immortal child!?

"I'll be there soon with Caius and some of the lower guard." I hung up and waited for Alec to send me his destination. We were going to get her back, even if it killed me.

Jamie's POV

Another 3 days of this hell. He kept bringing me baby things. The most recent was a mobile for the babies crib. Almost as if hes trying to win me over. But I stayed in the corner away from him when ever he came into the room. Now and then I could hear him talking to others outside. It made me wonder how many of them there was. If Marcus would be able to get to me. Or would he be hurt or worse, killed, trying. I worried more now. It had been a week, how much longer would I be here. Another week? Month? What if Marcus wasn't here in time? What if Leroy decided to just kill me and the babies? What if I was here forever? The door opened and Leroy walked over, putting a plate on the bed. It was a chicken salad, by the looks of it.

"Eat up. We're leaving to a safer location tonight." I shook my head. If I kept moving they would never find me. "We need to. So stop it and eat!" That made me flinch. He hadn't yelled at me at all. He had always been calm with me. "I'm sorry little dove. Things have happened. We leave tonight." He then left. I rubbed my belly, hopping someone would come soon.


I'm guessing it was night time because Leroy came into the room again. I had to do something. Make him stay a little longer. 

"Can I have something to eat first. The salad didn't fill me up." I asked quietly. His eyes lit up like a child at Christmas. This was what he wanted. For me to submit and let him take care of me. For me to depend on him.

"Of course." He rushed out and I sat there. I looked around for anything that might help. Nothing. The room was bare of anything. "Here you are." I jumped before turning around, finding Leroy stood there holding a small bowl with what looked like fruit salad. "Its all that's left of the food here." I ate it slowly trying to drag out as much time as I could. But I couldn't make it last forever. And it was extremely uncomfortable as he watched me eat.

"Are you ready to go now?" He asked with a large smile on his face.

"I'll just use the bathroom, then we can...go." He nodded and I walked to the bathroom, shutting the door. I wanted to lock it but I guess he removed the lock when he found this place. Like he bared all the windows and boarded them up from the outside. I did my business and washed my hands 5 times before I knew I had to leave the room. He'd only come in here if I took too long. As I walked into the bathroom there was loud yelling outside. 

"Don't you dare leave this room." He said before he ran out but he this time he didn't lock the door. I waited for about 3 minutes before I opened the door. I saw a window that wasn't bared or boarded up and hurried over. Outside was Jane, Alec, Marcus, Demetri, Caius and several lower guard members tearing there way through the vampires that charged at them. I heard Leroy yelling downstairs. I looked to the other room and opened the door, rushing inside. Only to freeze, hearing a baby crying. I felt my eyes fill with tears seeing a small bloody baby, no older that 1 year old. The mother laying by the crib, dead. The baby screamed and I had to fight myself not to pick him up. He obviously gave away my hiding spot. The door opened and I was yanked out. 

"What was you doing!?" Leroy screamed. "I told you to stay!" That image never left my mind. That sweet baby. He was so young and I knew that the Volturi would have to destroy him. "We need to leave." He was going to do that to my children. I moved back from him. 

"No." I mumbled. "I dont want too." He ignored me and went to grab me. I screamed as loud as I could and prayed Marcus heard and came running. Leroy grabbed me, picking me up bridle style and took off running. Outside the house and away from the fight. Away from Marcus.

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