Natasha Romanoff X Fem!Reader - Spiderwebs

Start from the beginning

"Y/N?" Nat's voice murmured on the other side. "You alright in there?" 

"I'm good," you called out, your voice all pitchy and strange. You cleared your throat slightly. "My phone slipped," you added.

*Time Skip*

You had received a similar phone call every day for two weeks after that, and you had been so on edge that it had left you with a constant state of dread hanging over your head. Any time your phone made even the slightest chirp, you were flinching, your breathing coming quicker. God, you'd come close to full on panic attacks from the simplest of notifications. 

That evening, you had decided to go to bed early, so exhausted from the constant fear lingering around you that you'd made your excuses whilst every one else had stayed up to catch up after the latest mission. You'd practically collapsed when you reached the bed, burrowing into the sheets and feeling more relaxed than you had in weeks.

As your eyes slipped closed, your mind going fuzzy, you allowed yourself to give into sleep. You dropped into one of the most normal dreams you had ever had. 

You and Nat were playing out in the snow, more of a memory than something your brain was making up, and God, you were laughing. The screeching, pure joy laughing that always came out whenever you got a little too excited. She was chasing you, kicking up snow as you attempted to shield your face from the icy cold. It had been one of the most perfect days of your life, and you held it in such high esteem that it often came back in your dreams. 

Nat had tackled you into the snow, chuckling as you wriggled in her grip, squealing as the cold seeped into your bones. And then she was leaning down. This was always your favourite part, Nat would get super close and her lips would brush against yours in a barely their kiss, and your heart would double in speed. But this time, just as she leant close, your phone began ringing.  She quickly flinched away, nodding for you to answer the phone. 

"Why are you avoiding me, Miss (Y/S/N)?" 

You woke up a sweating mess, your entire body shaking as you shot upright, glancing around the dark room frantically. You gasped in breath after breath, your hands balled tightly in the sheets as you attempted to calm yourself down. And then the bathroom door had opened, pouring light into the darkness as Nat's head appeared through the gap. 

"Are you okay?" 

You continued panting, your eyes wide and frightened, and quickly shook your head. 

Nat seemed to tense as she came fully into the room, approaching you slowly, like you would bolt for the door at any moment. "What happened?" 

As soon as Nat was close enough for you to reach, you grabbed for her, burying your face into her hip and letting out a shaking sob. "I need help." 

It hadn't taken long for Nat to calm you down, her hands rubbing away the tense knots in your shoulders as she cradled you close to her, bundled together on the bed. And when you'd explained what had been happening, she had seemed so mad that you almost regretted saying anything. 

"This guy has been harassing you for a fortnight and I didn't even notice," she uttered, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead when you let out a soft whimper into her pyjama shirt. "In the morning we'll go down to the lab and see if Tony can sort something on your phone. Stop this creep bothering you anymore." You nodded your agreement. "Come on, you need to get some sleep, Sweetheart."

*Time Skip*

Your phone had rung you awake again that night, but when you reached over to answer it, you found the bedside table empty. You say up, a little groggy and confused, only to find Nat hovering beside the bed, your phone in her hand. Her brow furrowed when you glanced up at her, but the second you gave a short nod, she was pressing at the buttons, answering the call.

"Hello?"  There was a moments pause whilst Nat waited for the man to speak. "My girlfriend is far too nice to tell you to fuck off, so I'll do it for her," she bit out. "You're a creepy little perv and you're going to stop calling her." She paused again, her face turning dark as she listened. "Call this number again and I'll personally see to it that you don't live to scare another innocent girl, am I understood?" 

She hung up the moment she got her answer, placing the phone back down on the table, and releasing a soft huff. "Thank you," you murmured, shifting uncomfortably amongst the sheets to take her hand in yours, giving it a light squeeze. 

"Oh, that wasn't the guy," she uttered, a small, cheeky smile pulling at her lips as she attempted to lighten the mood. "That's just how I talk to Tony," she added, nudging you to shuffle over and make space for her. You release a small chuckled as she wrapped herself around you, her lips pressing against your shoulder for just a second before she paused, releasing a sharp sigh. "He won't be bothering you anymore." 

You nodded, offering her a small smile. "I love you," you murmured, reaching up to pull her into a proper kiss. "Thank you," you repeated as you pulled away.

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