NK : Okay guys .... first let us have breakfast ... it's already ready .

Arnav : Okay ... you go .. we'll freshen and come .

Lav and NK nodded their heads while Arnav and Khushi freshened up . Khushi was combing her hair when Arnav came out of the bathroom and hugged her from back , nuzzling her neck .

Arnav : You okay ??

Khushi : Hmm... better now ... don't worry I'll be fine .

Arnav : Khushi is it okay with you if I went to Shantivan today or you need me here ... I can postpo ... (cut by Khushi)

Khushi : (turning back to face him still in his embrace ) No need to ... I am fine ... NK and Lav are here na ?? I'll be fine .... its necessary for you to go there ... ok??

Arnav : Hmm...

Khushi : Whatever it is ... I'll be there after 1 day or 2 na ?? because as much as I know Mrs . Jha .... she will never call you for unnecessary thing and which doesn't benefit her so she'll talk to you about what she wanted as soon as possible and if she'll talk about it earlier ... I come earlier as Nk said the thing which she wants to talk about maybe money .... and she can never stay away from luxuries which she have been doing from past 3 years ... so now her patience broke not getting any luxuries from years so she called you and will talk about it as soon as possible .

Arnav : Hope so ... I can't stay away from you for long .

Khushi : (pecking his lips) I know Mr . Raizada and don't worry you don't have to ... but right now it is very much necessary for us to be down and have breakfast as mouses are ... no no ....not mouses but elephants are running in my cute little tummy .

Arnav just smiled at her childish talk and led her down . All four had their breakfast teasing each other , chatting , hovering over non-sense things and laughing . After the breakfast , all headed towards Gupta House , Laxminagar to surprise the elders as they had not told anything about their arrival to them and told Akash and Payal not to tell them as well . They were excited to meet them as they could not come because of Shashi's degrading health . Reaching the Gupta House , Khushi knocked the door and waited for someone to open it . And as soon as the door got opened by Buaji , Khushi jumped on her , hanging on her neck , over excited .

Khushi : (shouting) Buajiiii!!!!

Buaji : Hai re Nanda Kishore !! Arey .... leave me .... are you planning to kill me or what ... Sankadevi !!

Khushi : (breaking the hug) How are you Buaji ?? I missed you so much .... where is amma and ... babuji ?? How is he ?? 

Buaji : Arey , first come inside ... ohhoo ... Arnav , NK and Lavanya is also here ... come .... come .... come inside and sit down first then we'll talk .

All entered inside and sat down and saw everyone (amma , babuji and buaji) looking a them without blinking their eyes ... 

Khushi : Okay , now no need to stare at us like we are ghost ... we just wanted to surprise you all ... woh actually ....

She narrated the whole story of how they decided of coming to India .... Amma , Babuji and Buaji looked convinced at the same time reluctant ... All chatted for a while and then went back to the farmhouse bidding bye to the Gupta's who were reluctant to let them go while Arnav headed towards Shantivan .



Anjali was pacing on the living hall , glancing towards the door now and then whereas all looked at her not knowing what was eating her so much that she was behaving weirdly from some days .  All heard the door crack sound and saw Arnav walking towards the hall . Anjali literally ran to him , forgetting about her so-called-limp and cupped his face showing fake concern .

Anjali : Chotte , You came .... I was waiting for you since long .... Are you okay ??

Arnav : (fisting his palms to control his anger) I am fine D...d...di..i .

Anjali : Ok !! Chotte woh I need to talk to you about some thing ... woh I .... (interrupted by nani)

Nani : Anjali ... chotte have just came ... let him rest for a while ... you can talk tomorrow .

Akash : Ya dii ... let bhai rest .

Anjali slightly nodded her head while Arnav walked to his room ignoring them .


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Precap : Anjali - Arnav convo .



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The unexpected turn [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें