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*******MY IMAGINATION ****
*******NOT TRUE ********

  I live in a small town called Wolf's burg in Toronto. My mother works at a small restaurant outside of town named Mable's Wine and Dine, through her years working there she has managed to pay bills, school fees/supplies, and put food on the table. Growing up I never really complain about it because she will always do her best always attending school functions and meetings. 

But now a 16-year-old boy seeing her coming home late at night and leaving early in the mornings hardly attending school functions, The dark bags under her eyes was enough to explain her tired mood.

My father left when I was 2 years old he never ever came back, I guess he ran away with the milk he didn't even once came to see how his son was doing. The reality of not having a perfect family dawned upon me. I couldn't take it anymore I started to skip classes hardly ever wanted to go to school even if I did go I wouldn't stay until it ended.

I got attracted to the high life started parting and doing drugs at a club called dreamland there were a lot of hot and sexy girls but I never let that distract me it was just some drinking not too much to get drunk and doing drugs.

Abels mother (Carmen):
Juggling 2 different jobs a day is much more harder than I thought. That silly act I had going is now tossed through the window. I gotta put on a convincing smile for my son but sleep walking and the bags under my eyes are enough to let him know that I am tired.I look like a walking dead my once curly blond hair is now a frizzling mess, my skin is looking even paler at the second. I look like a zombie with my cheek bones so prominent.
I'm so tired who knew work can be so time and self consuming. I don't even have time for Abel anymore. It is like I don't even know him anymore spending so little time together has surely broken our bond. Coming home late at nights with the smell of alcohol hardly ever going to school, oh what a mess he has become. I guess it's my fault he's turned out like this. Going from being there at every school meeting and function now I can't even be there when he needed me the most. I feel like a bad mother never finding time to be there for her only son.

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