"Yeah the white actually makes you look half decent!" Gajeel chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

"Natsu." Gray says. I turned to him. "All jokes aside, I mean this.." he began while gesturing to my suit. "This looks great man."

"Thanks Gray. I agree.. I think this is the one."

The next day

"Luce c'mon. We need to meet my mom any minute now." I say. She groaned and gave me a glare.

"Natsu~" she whined.

"Lucy~" I whined back, mocking her. She sighed and got out of bed. We changed and met up with my mom at a café. We met with her and a designer.

"My name is Evergreen, and I am your wedding planner. Now let's not waste any time and get right into it! What color theme are you two thinking?" Evergreen asks.

"Well we know it's a summer wedding, but we aren't really into bright and colorful scenes.." Luce says. I nod in agreement. I like darker colors like red and blood orange.

"What about a plum color with gold as the secondary?" Evergreen suggests.

"Could we do something with silver instead of gold?" I pipe up. I know my suit is white with grey, so if we had to pick silver or gold, silver would make sense.

"That works with me too." Lucy comments. She held my hand under the table and the lady wrote something in her notebook.

"Well colors that look nice with silver that are darker include plum, navy, blush pink.." she began. "Hmm... there's also burgundy, cobalt, an Indigo shade-"

"I kinda like the sound of the navy or plum. What about you Natsu?" Lucy says happily.

I thought for a minute. "Well I don't really want a purple, so could we see some of the navy with silver before we decide?" I ask. Lucy shrugged.

"If I may." Evergreen began. We turned to her. She showed us some samples. Lucy and I decided on the navy. Our theme was now navy, silver and white!

We went through a few things like the location, band, flowers and more. It was a lot easier because we brainstormed before I left for my winter concert. "Now invitations!" Evergreen cheered.

Lucy and I each made a list beforehand. We began to read down our lists. It was a total of about 95 invites. It wasn't gonna be too big because well, Lucy doesn't even know many people. She never really had friends growing up, and a lot of my invites were family members. I have a big family.

As she neared the end of her list she said "...Lillian Avery, Layla Heartfilia... Z-"

"Lucy..." I interrupt. She looked at me. "You're inviting your mother..?"

She looked down, a sad smile forming on her face. "Yeah." She said quietly. Lucy looked back at me. "I know how horrible she was, but she deserves to at least be invited to her daughter's wedding."

I sighed. "Sometimes you're too nice for your own good, Lucy. I guess I'll always support your decisions though."

"Thanks Natsu."

"Lucy dear, I'm worried about you inviting her, but it's the right thing to do." Mom comments. "She still is your mother." My whole family knows Lucy's past, so she understands.

"Thank you Grandeeney. It's okay, she won't show up anyway.." Lucy sighs sadly. We continued on with organizing and planning. We had two more meetings just this week.

Next week was cake tastings. Erza was joining Lucy and myself. We were tasting cakes from a few places!

We still had lots do to!

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