Panic Attacks And Pancakes

Start from the beginning

The young actress was confused at first why her nephew was acting that way, but she knew better than to aggressively approach the panicking boy in front of her. She knew from experience that people with tentacle implants or mutations can be trigger happy when provoked. She was like that 7 years ago, when she had attacked Koro-sensei for revenge. She winced on the memory, but she decided to focus on Tsukiro first.

She carefully picked up Tsukiro's huge glasses on the table beside the boy's futon, and went to approach the boy gently. She silently pondered on going to an ophthalmologist to have Tsukiro's eyes checked and buy him a new pair of corrective eyewear, as she slowly patted the boy's head for him to calm down.

The boy flinched at her touch and gazed at her with his glowing red orbs, small sharp teeth baring and tentacles ready to strike her, the slithering tentacles tainted black as the night. Akari stared at the boy with a fearful look at first, remembering the dark memories of Koro-sensei's face whenever he is utterly pissed, but she took her willpower to hide those fears and proceeded to speak in a soothing voice, "It's me, your Auntie Akari... What is wrong, Tsuki-kun?"

The young human-octopus hybrid slowly registered the young woman's voice and suddenly, his memories of the past days had clicked in his mind. He paled at the realization, the red glowing eyes slowly fading away into his beautiful dark orbs he had inherited from Aguri.

Oh right, I was now on Auntie Akari's home. My new home.

As he started to realize the truth, he calmed down a bit, although he was still breathing heavily, sweat started to moisten his sleeping attire. His tentacles retracted back to his skin, while he gazed apologetically at the young woman in front of him. Although she was blurry to him, he knew that this woman was not going to hurt him. He clinged to her like a lifeline, crying and whimpering, as Akari comforted the stressed boy.

"It's alright, no one's going to hurt you. I promise," She cooed at the crying boy, who was still clinging to her. Akari could hear Tsukiro's muffled voice saying something clearly , but she could figure out some words like "Promise?" and "I am sorry."

As she was holding Tsukiro's crying form, the young actress had realized, the reason why Tsukiro was acting like that is because he's scared.

She widened her eyes as she gazed at the boy hugging her, before she sympathize with him. He never wished to be born, but due to a mad scientist's ambitious experimentation, the little special boy was born, and no one even knows he exists. He only has Yanagisawa Katara for company, and they are not even related.

Her thoughts also rushed to the girl Karasuma-sensei had revealed to her yesterday, who is assumed Tsukiro's half-twin sister that was left in the laboratory moments after they were born. Will she be fine there, did someone took care of her? What does she look like now, is she look like Aguri... Or maybe that monster?

Yukimura Akari has million of questions she wanted answers from.

But they could wait. All it matters is her crying nephew in her arms.

The young actress hugged Tsukiro, who started to calm down, his sobs turned to sniffles. She smiled softly as she caressed the boy's silky dark strands, small yellowish-white tentacles twirled around her fingers, tickling her. The boy sniffled, as he was still trying to calm down and stop sniffling.

"Don't worry, I won't let you be taken away from me, I promise."


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