Chapter 9: The Royal Blacksmiths

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  Hey guys! It's ya gal, Star, here. I'm back with another chapter for you guys!

  Thank you so much for being so patient with me! Now, please enjoy this chapter!


Y/n's POV-

  It's another day on the Bounty. Another day of looking for the other three Fangblades. At the moment, we are all discussing the other Fangblades.

  We are all standing around a hologram of a Fangblade, trying to figure out where the others are.

  "Though they got the first one," Nya says, "there are still three more and we just need one to stop Pythor. They have a map, and we don't. So the question remains, how are we gonna find them first?"

  Jay hums before excitedly talking as he rests a hand on Nya's shoulder, "I still can't get over the fact that you were the mysterious Samurai. Is anyone else blown away like I am?"

  I roll my eyes, "Jay, we get that your surprised, but-"

  "We're over that," Kai rudely interrupts, "Can we move on?"

  "Woo-boo-boo-booo!" Jay said as he waved a hand at Kai, "Someone's a little hot under the collar."

  Zane walks up to stand in between Kai and Cole, "It appears his impatience is because he has not found inner peace and unlocked his true potential, like you and I have, Jay."

  "Great observation, Mr. Roboto," Kai says sarcastically before jabbing at Cole, "but Cole hasn't found his either."

  "I got it!" Cole suddenly exclaims.

  "You've unlocked it?! Oh! Why am I the only one?!" Kai yells in frustration.

  I chuckle at Kai's child-like behavior.

  "No, I figured out where I recognized the Fangblade from," Cole corrects before rushing out of the room, "I have a picture of it."

  "Oh," Kai sighs in relief, "is that it? Heh. Good."

  I give Kai a look as Cole returns as quickly as he left and holds up a photo album, "I got it!"

  He then sets the book on the table and opens it to the first page, revealing a picture of some sort of trophy with a Fangblade in it.

  Jay snatches the album and examines the picture before gasping, "That's it!"

  We all gather around Jay to look at the picture, well, except Cole. He stays where he is.

  "Back where I grew up," Cole explains, "there's this pretty big competition, where every year the winner gets the Blade Cup," We all look up at him, "My dad's won it multiple times."

  "You never told us that your dad was an accomplished athlete," Zane states.

  I look up at Cole, "What sport?"

  "Oh, uh- h-he's uh-" Cole hesitates, "a blacksmith."

  "There's nothing wrong with that," I said.

  "Yeah. My father was a blacksmith, too," Kai added, "But I've never heard of a competition-"

  Now it's Cole's turn to interrupt, "That's because he's not a 'blacksmith' blacksmith. He's a- Royal Blacksmith."

  Cole stands up, walks over, and turns to the next page in the album, revealing a picture of his dad holding the Blade Cup. Everyone besides me and Cole snickered at the picture.

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