Chapter 5: Can of Worms

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Date published: 9/2/'20

  Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out! I've been really busy lately. I got a job and that is tiring. But don't worry! I'll still be writing more to my story, it might take just a little bit longer than usual.

  I've thought about doing a schedule, but my job is too unpredictable for that. I can get called in at any day to work, so I won't be doing a schedule for now.

  Anyways... enjoy!!

Y/N's POV-

  Lloyd and I walk towards the gaming room on the Bounty as Kai starts up and begins playing a video game. As we get close I start quietly giggling as Lloyd starts whistling.

  I calm myself down and we both look through the game room's doorway, seeing Kai playing a video game.

  "Hey Kai," Lloyd greeted him as he turned to look at Lloyd, "I saw Cole beat your high score."

  "You should've seen it," I jumped in, "It was pretty spectacular."

  "Uh, you must be talking about Sitar Legends," Kai said confidently, "This is Fist to Face 2. No one beats me on my game."

  "Huh," Lloyd said, "we could be wrong. See ya!"

  We both turn and "leave", but we quietly came back to watch Kai's reaction.

  Kai returns his gaze to the screen and checks the games high scores, only to see that Cole had apparently taken the top five high scores.

  "Huh?" Kai gaped when he didn't see his high score come up and became angry, "Cole!"

  Lloyd and I suppress giggles as we run off to where Cole was.

~Small Timeskip~

  We find Cole and see him stirring some kind of soup stuff.

  "Mm... Violet Berry Soup, my culinary achievement," Cole hums in pride, "If the recipe is not followed exactly-"

  Cole pauses to taste-test his soup and gags on it, barely able to keep from losing his last meal as he holds it in his mouth.

  That's when we walked by.

  "By the way, I saw Jay spice things up," Lloyd told him.

  "We told him not to, but he said your cooking could use it. Bye, Cole!" I add as we walk away waving and find a place to spy on Cole.

  We see Cole spit out the soup as he coughs and groans in disgust.

  "Ugh!" Cole grimaced, "Jay!"

  Lloyd and I run off softly giggling, so as not to alert Cole, as we search for Jay.

~Small Timeskip~

  Lloyd and I walk up to the deck of the Bounty to find Jay working on one of his machines. He is working on a test run with his sparring robot invention.

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