Cleo hummed and nodded before looking away. "You're probably right." Her eyes were searching, staring at a blank wall but somehow bright and full. I was lost in the blue as she talked. "Honestly, these past couple weeks have been absolute shit. But, you seem different, too, " she said, finally looking back at me.

"Have I?"

"Yeah. Happier. I'm guessing River's good for you."

Oh. River.

I gave a weak shrug. "To be honest, I feel a lot worse than I did a month ago." The words tumbled out without even a thought. Cleo looked at me, brows furrowed. "River and I are... Complicated. I really don't know if we're dating or just friends or something in between... I just prefer something simple with simple rules."

Cleo chuckled. "Of course you would need rules in a relationship. Probably a checklist too, huh? 'Step one: kiss girlfriend'," she mocked.

"I just mean... I don't know. I need to be on the same page as someone."

"Okay, what's your main 'relationship rule' then?"

I thought for a second before replying. "Communicate, I guess. Tell me if you're upset or angry or unhappy."

"Okay," she said, "You're a hypocrite."


"Didn't you just say that you and River are 'complicated' and that you're not sure what's really going on there? Have you communicated that with them?"

I let out this pathetic expulsion of air before shaking my head. "You're right. I'm hopeless."

"You are not hopeless, Olivia. You just have to actually follow your own rules. How can you expect to be happy if the guidelines you put in place aren't reasonable?"

Cleo gave me this knowing look that made me chuckle. "Okay, what's your 'relationship rule' then?"

"I don't know," she replied. "Don't try to make me do things I'm not comfortable with, " she said, falling onto her back.

"Cleo..." I started, thinking through my words carefully. "That... Shouldn't be a rule. It's the bare minimum."

"You're probably right. I might just date assholes."

"I wish you didn't, " I sighed. "You deserve better."

Cleo lifted her head slightly to glance at me.

"I don't know, Via. I'm not so sure I'm a good person."

"What?" I got out as I looked at her. "You're a little rough around the edges but honestly, truthfully, you're a good person."

"How can you say that?" she said. Cleo laid back then, staring at the ceiling as she spoke. "Like... you of all people should know that isn't true. I hurt you, Via. How can you still say that?"

I paused then, heeling on giving her the truth or giving her what I knew would be easier to swallow. I settled for something in between. "I don't think it's that simple. If it was, nobody would be a 'good person'. You messed up, yeah? But, one mistake shouldn't define you." I laid beside her then, pretending the ceiling was swarmed with stars. "Believe me: I've made my fair share of mistakes."

"I don't believe that for one second."

I looked over at her, and I suddenly felt this urge to tell her that I wasn't perfect or strong or brave. That I had a voice in my head who liked to ring a bell every time I messed something up. That I'm still angry with her, and part of me was worried it would never go away. Maybe anger just sat in your stomach forever, swelling and shrinking with the years. I wanted to tell her all of that, but I couldn't, because I was a hypocrite.

"I've missed you," I said instead. It was easier, somehow.

"Me too." She turned to look at me then, our eyes flickering in the morning light. "You're... Probably the only person who knows me. Like, really knows me. Is that weird?"

"It's not weird," I said. "You're the only person who knows me, too."

We were inches apart and seeming to get closer every time we breathed. Cleo's eyes flicked down to my mouth and I felt my chest tighten. She took a sharp breath in and moved closer. I could almost feel her lips on mine before the door swung open, and Cleo pulled away.

"Cleo! " Allison yelled.

She stood up to meet my sister as I carefully turned back. "Yeah, Ally?"

"You have to see the statue I just built in Minecraft. I'll give you a hint: It's you. In statue form. It looks so cool."

Cleo glanced at the time on her phone before nervously laughing. "Sorry, man... I've gotta get to work."

I watched as Cleo packed everything she brought and I followed her downstairs. At the door, Cleo gave me a smile and a wave before departing down the driveway. I shut the door closed and leaned against it.

What just happened?


Hey guys! I'm so so sorry about the long wait for this chapter. I know every time I take a break I promise to post more but I've just lacked motivation lately. I hope to be able to post more but, in all honesty, I may forget again. THANK YOU guys for holding me accountable!!! The support for this story is insane and I love you all.

40k reads??? Jesus, I can't believe this dumbass story I wrote out of boredom has accumulated this many viewers. Thank you thank you thank you.

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