Chapter 25 Regrets

Start from the beginning

Once I heard the click of the door shutting in turned to Raven with her obvious confused glare.

"Did I go too far this time?" She said with a bit of concern.

"No and you're not in trouble either so don't ask."

"Then why did you want to talk to me then?"

"Calm down all I want it an explanation from you. That's all."

She froze and I assume she didn't know what I meant for a second before saying something else.

"Alright, about what exactly."

"What happened to you guys earlier?"

Then she  gave me a guilty look.

"W-what do you mean by that Dusty?"

"You know when I locked myself in the bathroom and stuff where were you guys. You usually never leave me alone like that."

"Oh, that...well you kinda yelled at Harper you know and made her cry. So we didn't really didn't want to push your limits any further than they already were."

"Wait! I made her cry!?! No I didn't mean it! She did nothing wrong!" I exclaimed.

"They were your words not mine."

"Who's with her right now?"

"Jenni and Hazel most likely. Don't worry bout it she's probably better by now."

"I'll have to apalogize to her lateor then."

"Yeah it's better safe than sorry kid."

"I should've dragged you guys into any of this and for that I'm sorry."

"Nah, don't be she deserved it."

"I don't know about that...I feel like she's only doing it because she doesn't want anyone to get near her heart."

"Oh, really? How?"

"I mean come on it's obvious. How else would Jenni even know about whatever she's hiding. I could just sense it."

"Maybe but hey what do we know am I right Dusty?"

I just couldn't help but to giggle softly before responding.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. You better go check on them is that fine?"

"Heh...yeah I'll be back later.dont miss me too much!"

After she said that she sank down into my mind just like any side would do so it felt the same way that it always did. Suddenly I heard a knock on my door.

"Yeah? Who is it?"

"Thomas told me to get you for dinner so just come down when you're ready!"

"I'll be down there in a moment Pat." I say not even going to the door.


I could hear his footsteps going down the stairs. He probably went to go tell dad what I said. I heard my hand a to where I was facing my palm then a saw a knife in my hand. Ravens presence never faded when she left. I blinked twice before it disappears from my hand.

"Strange..." I mumbled to myself.

I sighed skakily before going to the door. I know that's never happened before. Maybe I'm overreacting...yeah I'm just overreacting. Everything's fine. I continued to walk down the stairs and getting greeted by my dad and the others.

"Hey, Luna?"

"Yeah, what is it Patton?"

"Well, are your know umm defensive over you?" Patton said awkwardly.

"I mean...yeah-"

I heard a hiss coming from the staircase and I saw Violet there not even bothered. Patton jumped and hid behind me when he heard it.

"V, heel." I said like she was a dog.

She mumbled some curses before going to Virgil who was on the couch.

"Is that enough proff?"

"Hehe...yeah it's bad enough that Hazel almost gave us a lecture."

"She did what now."

"It's nothing that bad kiddo she didn't even finish when Sage came in to cool her down."

Then I began to whisper in his ear a quick.

"If you're wondering how long they're going to be mad for it's less than a week for you guys. Since it was the first time of course. Again, I'm sorry for their behavior they don't mean any of it."

"I keep that in mind now go eat alright?"

"Alright, I'll be back."

That day went by quickly just like any other. I had an odd feeling that something might go horribly wrong...

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