Chapter One: The School Rush

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

Maddie groaned as her alarm sounded. It was too early! She rolled and looked at the time. 7:17. Maddie shot up. She was going to miss the bus! She got out of bed and dressed herself quickly. Maddie ran into her brother's room and shook him awake.

"Wha?" Mike mumbled.

"Get up sleepy head!" yelled Maddie, "We're going to miss the bus!"

Mike fell off the bed, but instead of getting up, he rolled to his dresser and took out his clothes. Maddie rolled her eyes and rushed to the kitchen to make toast for both of them. Their mother had already gone to work, though she obviously didn't care enough to wake them up. Maddie frantically started packing her backpack. After cramming her school supplies in, she grabbed her sketchbook, pens, and paintbrush. 

She loved to create art, though she never showed it to anybody. The last time she showed her art to someone, they had laughed at her and tore apart her art. And Maddie wasn't a horrible artist. No, she was very talented. She sighed as she stared at the bare grey walls of this gloomy house. Suddenly, the toaster dinged, causing her to almost jump out of her skin. She grabbed the two pieces of toast and waited for Mike. Then, she saw the bus pull up.

"MIKE! THE BUS IS HERE!" Maddie shouted.

Mike ran down the stairs (How he did not fall is still a mystery to this day.) and ran out the door. By the time they got to the bus stop, the bus was already gone. Tears threatened to fall from the corner of her eyes. Mother would be furious! And then she would punish them. Maddie's mother wasn't abusive, but her father was. He would lock her in the basement, in the darkness, and hurt her. Eventually he was arrested for his crimes, but Maddie's mother would use he fear of the dark against her. Maddie learned that whoever controlled the darkness controls you. Maddie suddenly felt her hand being grabbed by Mike. They started running to school. If they made it on time, then maybe mom wouldn't find out. Maddie ran faster.

She was filled with DETERMINATION.

Phew. First chapter finished. This is a lot harder than I thought. But hey, I'm doing it! Also thanks to whoever reads this book, it means a lot! Word count: 399.

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