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Thats how Lucy looks like.

Dante's POV

2 weeks. This two weeks with Nai have been pure heaven. I didn't think it was possible to like someone that much. Do I love her? No. Maybe. I mean it would be stupid not to love her, i mean she is stunning, funny, caring, kind. She is perfect. I love her.

"Bro" a voice said

"Bro" is that Darius?


"WHAT!!" i exclaimed

"What are you thinking about you hoe?" Darius said while biting an apple

"Did you just called Dante a hoe?" Marcus exclaimed

"Yes I did" he laughed "Why? I mean it's not like he is going to kill me. I'm his best friend, right bitch?" Darius said confidently. I just stared at him.

"Right?" Marcus started to laugh. "RUN DARIUS" he started to run and i went after him.


"CAZZO COME HERE DARIUS" when i was about to catch him. I bumped into someone

uggh not her again.

"BABYYY you almost fall on me. I mean i wouldn't mind" she bitted her lip and said that in a tone that was supposed to be seductive. Ughh why did I ever slept with her.

"Not now Lucy" i rolled my eyes.

"Baby I have to talk to you about something. Come on" she grabbed my arm and guided me to the parking lot. She started talking about something when out of nowhere she kissed me.

That's when i saw her. Nailea. CAZZO NO

"Yes baby i would love to be your girlfriend" WHAT THE HELL. WHAT IS SHE TALKING ABOUT

Nailea's POV

Girlfriend? shit. I have to get out of here.

So I did what I do best. I ran. I ran away from my problems. I ran away from him.

I could hear him calling my name. But I didn't care.

I drove to my house. When I got there only my dad was home.

"Princess are you ok? Are you hurt? Why are you here early?"

"Estoy bien papa, estoy perfectamente bien" (im fine papa, im perfectly fine)

I got to my room, locked the door and started crying.

How could I be so stupid?

Did I really thought that I could have a chance with him?

He wouldn't like someone like me, a monster, someone who is broken, nobody likes me. I'm going to die alone.

"Nobody will ever love you" His last words replied inside of my head. He was right nobody will ever love me.

I cried myself to sleep that night.

-1 month later-

Its been one month since I talked to him. The first week he tried everything to talk to me. He came to my house, to school, he called, texted, sent letters, emails everything. But I ignored him. I miss him . I miss taking to him.

Now what keeps me going is going to the gym, to underground fights and doing missions. I go to public gyms because the one in my house is always empty and I like working out with people.

I have been pushing my family away. And soon its my mom's death anniversary and well I pushed them away even more. Why? Because it's my fault that she is dead.

I killed my mom. I know the say i didn't. But I did, if it wasn't for me she would be alive.

I hoped off the shower and putted workout clothes in. And did a ponytail.

When I got to the gym i felt everyones eyes on me

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When I got to the gym i felt everyones eyes on me. But something felt different. Then I saw him


shit shit shit

I have to get out of here.

"Nai..." he walked towards me

"No, don't Nai me. You don't get the right to do that. First you stalk me and then for two weeks you made me like you and then you go and start fooling around with that bimbo of your girlfriend. So no now you don't get the right to come here and talk to me. So FUCK-" when I was about to finishe my tantrum I felt his lips on mine. He bite my lip asking fot permission to enter, and I gladly gave it to him. He started exploring my mouth, i didn't even minded that we were in a gym. Then I remembered that he has a girlfriend and that i hate cheaters.

So I pulled away and slapped him.

"What the hell Nailea" he reproched .

"I hate cheaters" i replied.

"What do you mean with cheater. I don't even have a girlfriend."

"Yes you do. Lucy. Lucy is your girlfriend"

"No she isn't ok. She said that I was just to make you jealous. But i would never do that you wanna now why?" he grabed my face in his hands. I raised my right eyebrow in response.

"Because I like you. Ever since I bumped with you at the hallway, i have been obsessed with you. I like you. I really really like you Nai."

"So baby. Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

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