Chapter 19: Prey

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As Alex and his pack of wolves snuck their way into the city, they made sure to use the shrubbery of the nearby park to their advantage.

With the city's park attached directly to the trees leading out to the forest, it was an easy entrance. Almost as if the city knew they were coming and provided a simple solution to one of their biggest concerns.

However, what wasn't easy was the unexpected amount of people currently occupying the park this late into the night. What the pack assumed would only be a handful of humans turned into what seemed to be an entire neighborhood of them.

Keeping low to the ground as they prowled around on the unknown territory the wolves snuck around trying to find the best place to scout out their prey.

Eventually after some hunting, the pack managed to find a dark corner of the park surrounded by tall trees and bushes to cover their tracks. Between the leaves and twigs of the bushes dividing them from the open fields of the park, Alex and his guards made note of as much of their surroundings as they could.

Out on the opposite side of the park held the majority of what looked to be young adults and late teens. Meanwhile, directly in front of them was part of a track that ran all the way along the edges of the park.

Hearing one of his guards whimpering ever so slightly behind him as they pawed at his furry tail, Alex spun around seeing his pack practically laying on the ground.

While their conversations to human ears were unrecognizable, they used it to their advantage. Hearing just growls and whimpers instead of words, the man spoke with his pack.

"What is it that we're doing here exactly sir?" One of the guards accompanying the man asked finally.

"Looking for a human." He said softly despite the fact that no human would be able to understand their language.

"But why?" Another guard asked.

"Lauren had an idea about using humans to our advantage, so that's exactly what we're going to do. Now I need you all to keep your eyes out for any that seem useful."

"But even if we spot a human who we think we can take, what're we suppose to do about the other humans here? There's hundreds. If we go out and try to grab a human they're sure to scream. That'll draw everyone's attention towards us."

Pausing momentarily to contemplate Alex's red eyes shut. "I have a plan for that." He breathed heavily.

"Which is?"

"Well corner them." He motioned with his head towards a nearby fence separating the park from the rest of the street. "They can't escape us if we surround them."

"But they'll still scream?"

"Not if they don't feel threatened."

"But we're wolves sir. Last time humans saw us like this they drove us out into the woods. What's to say they won't do that again?"

"Because they aren't going to be approached by a wolf."

"But know none of us are capable of turning like you."

"I am aware of that. This is why I need you all to keep your heads low at all times. When we find our target I'll take care of silencing them, but I need you all to stay close. You're going to help me get them out of the area quick and back into the trees where the other humans won't spot us."

Meanwhile, as the pack of wolves stayed close together while Alex continued explaining the rest of the logistics of his plan to them, out on their usual nightly walk through the beautiful city park, a group of four friends in their late teens were messing around.

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