Chapter 89: The Sounds of Humanity

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"Why're you covered in blood?!" Shouted Rose as she backed away from the girl covered waist down in the slimy red substance.

"Relax guys this isn't even my blood." She said nonchalantly.

"Oh." They both said softer as they watched the girl across from them cross her arms calmly. "It's those pesky hunters blood."

"What?!" They both exclaimed as impressed looks dawned upon them.

"Is it really?" Rose asked with curiosity.

Meanwhile, all Alia did was give a casual nod and proud smile.

"What happened?" Zander asked.

"Let's just say those guys are all brawn and no brain. I found a small cave to hide in for the night but the entrance to it was covered in these sharp thorns. Next thing I know I'm waking up to those creatures throwing themselves at them." She scoffed. "If I knew it was going to be that easy to outsmart them, we could've spent more time figuring our way off this mountain and less time hiding in trees."

"So you're okay?" Her girlfriend looked up with big eyes.

"Yeah babe. I'm all good." Her smile was bright making Rose sigh in relief.

"So what about the hunters? Did they follow you?" The boy asked worried that the monsters out to get them would now be looking for some revenge of their own.

"I doubt it. They looked pretty bad when I slipped out of there."

"Does this mean we'll be safe finally?" The small girl with big eyes asked.

"I'd say so. If they're all injured as badly as the few that I saw, then we won't have to worry about them for a good while."

Jumping with joy over the news, both Zander and Rose glowed with glee. It didn't even matter if it was only a slim chance of them not having to worry about the hunters again, as long as they stood any chance against them, they were thrilled.

"Alright. Alright." Alia chuckled trying to settle them. "What did you guys do last night?" She curiosity asked.

"We stayed in a tree like always. Zander found a really good one." Rose pointed out to which Zander stood with a large smile plastered on his face.

"Did you now?" Alia playfully asked as she walked over to the boy.

"Yup." He puffed out his scrawny chest with his chin up.

Just when he expected some type of praise instead the boy received something completely different. "Good job Z." The tall blond said as she swiftly locked the boy into a choke hold using her dirt covered fist to ruffle through his hair.

"Hey!" He protested struggling to escape her grasp.

Giggling as she watch the boy eventually push himself away from Alia, Rose couldn't help but give a belly laugh as she got to witness the state his hair was in.

All standing up thanks to the mixture of mud and leaves, if they hadn't been able to see Zander's face, they may have mistaken him as a wild animal himself.

"Oh come on Zander lighten up. At least you're not the one covered in werewolf blood." Alia rolled her eyes sarcastically at him.

"Yeah but-"

He opened his mouth to speak but the girls glance at him only intensified until he just gulped away his statement.

"That's what I thought." She lightheartedly said as she smiled. "Now are we going to keep standing here and talk about what happened last night, or are we going to check out where this path leads?" She asked looking between both of her friends.

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