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It was almost a day and the rapper refused to leave the hospital at any cost. His eyes were red, hair ruffled up still in the same clothes as yesterday. Just as he sat blankly staring at the door to the ICU, he watched as a group of doctors and nurses rushed in.

Seeing that, he was on his feet running to the room only to be shoved away but the words he heard made him freeze, "The pulse is becoming weak Doctor," and he was hurriedly pushed out.

Chanyeol slid down the nearby wall, the blood in his face draining. He wanted the nightmare to end, he wanted to go back to the time when Baekhyun had asked him that question to give him a different answer. If only he had, would it not have been different? Would they not be happy?

Yoona had gone home and the rapper hugged himself since he had no one else to comfort him. He felt numb, his heart to be exact. The thought of losing Baekhyun made him want to breakdown. He clutched on the roots of his hair as he cried his heart out. 

An hour later, Yoona almost had a heart attack on seeing the male crying on the floor. "Yeol, what happened? What's wrong?" she asked. "Baek...pulse..... weak," he uttered his voice unable to form a complete sentence. The lady mumbled a set of no's as she rushed to stand in front of the room. 

Later when the doctor approached them, they held their breath. "Your husband's stable and you can visit him and your son if you'd like. But please do not make any sound or disturb him," he informed and Chanyeol felt his breath come back and nodded at the doctor before hugging the doctor. The rapper sent the old lady home telling her to get some rest since only the parents were allowed in the NICU. 

He walked in the NICU and was shown his son. The baby was tiny and fragile. Even though he was fast asleep, Chanyeol could clearly see more of Baekhyun in the tiny being. He choked on his sob watching the little boy yawn with his tiny lips. "You're adorable, you know that Jelly Bean?" the rapper stroked his covered head and chuckled at the nickname that Baekhyun had given the little one. 

"Can you hold Daddy's finger little guy?" the new father stroked the tiny palm of his little son and had a goofy grin plastered on his face seeing the fragile fingers struggle to wrap around his finger. "You're so precious, sweetheart. I'm going to spoil you rotten, I promise," he said to his son and spent more time in there adoring the little boy. 

Then he stepped into the ICU and felt his heart ache at the sight of Baekhyun with the wires and bandage on his head and a few cuts and bruises on his hand and face. "Hey," he whispered holding the unconscious male's hand as gentle as a feather, "I came, Baek. I'm here for you. Please open your eyes and curse at me. I deserve that."

The brunet laid his head near the hand as he silently sobbed.


Later that night, Chanyeol had seen the most gruesome video. Some fucked up psycho who was following his love had got it all on video. The rapper saw how the car hit his lover's and how the tragedy occurred. He wasted no time and ordered to file a lawsuit on all of them including the ones from the store. When the agency refused, he threatened to sue the company since, damn, he was richer than them. 

The next day, he was even luckier to hear that Baekhyun had been shifted to his VIP room. Chanyeol sat with him holding his hand and muttering apologies. Yoona came by and stayed with Baekhyun for a while since she sent Chanyeol home to change and get some well-deserved sleep. 

Chanyeol was asleep on the couch when Baekhyun's eyes fluttered open. A painful groan left his lips and that was enough to wake Chanyeol. The rapper was on his feet as he fetched the recovering male a glass of water. 

A gasp left his lips realizing who was with him there, "Chanyeol." The brunet looked back at the blond with tear-filled eyes, "I'm so sorry, Baek. Only if I had made a different choice and had given a different answer, things would have been different now. None of this would have happened and you would not be this hurt, either."

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