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Baekhyun's friends had texted him telling him to be safe oblivious of the fact that he was already leaving. Fortunately, he was able to go to Yoona's house without drawing a crowd but the death threats on his Twitter never ceased. 

When he got there, the kind woman opened the door and smiled at the small male. But once her eyes fell on the little bump on his mid section, Yoona almost blacked out. Baekhyun bit his lips, tears threatening to fall.

Yoona wiped his tears before pulling him into her embrace and stroking his hair, "Let it out, baby. It's alright now."

She was astonished but what happened had happened and only the future remains. She embraced the sobbing male as he narrated what had happened between him and Chanyeol. Yoona was speechless but could only soothe the pregnant male. "You're going to be alright, sweetie. Everything's gonna be just fine," she kissed his head.

Baekhyun felt a little calm after a few days in Yoona's house. He knew he was still the target of many fans but it had notably decreased. A couple of days later, it was late at night and he sneaked downstairs to turn on the TV. 

They were playing a concert of SKY in which he would have been a background dancer if everything had not happened. But he never regretted it since he was brought up in an orphanage taught that kids are a miracle. Baekhyun slowly sat back on the couch the remote clutched his close to his chest as he stared at the screen. 

Despite them breaking up, there was not a single moment which passed by without Baekhyun thinking about his ex-lover. His eyes were focused only on Chanyeol throughout the performance like a teenage fan girl.  

Baekhyun for the first few days ignored every call and text thinking it would be one of those fans who wanted to kill him. Until one day he saw that it was from his few friends in Seoul. The blond soon called them and confessed where he was and swore to come there once the little one was born or old enough. 

But Baekhyun never knew how much his call eased someone's heart. Chanyeol had been restless ever since the rumour broke out. He had rushed to Luhan's place that night only to find it empty. 

He had a hunch that the small male would be at Bucheon but he felt at ease once Baekhyun confirmed it himself. Kai and Sehun had spent days thinking how to help their friend since the brunet beat himself up for not being able to even look at Baekhyun from afar. 

Despite their extremely tight schedule for the past few months, Chanyeol had tried to sneak out a few times only to be caught by the fans or papparazzi. 


It was just like any other day and Yoona had been a little occupied with things at the orphanage and so Baekhyun had gone to do grocery shopping. Stroking his eight-month-old bump, he pushed the trolley as he checked the list.

A little groan left his lips seeing that the cereal he wanted was at the top rack. The short male tip-toed to reach it but he had no success. An arm grabbed the box from behind and Baekhyun sighed since it was the last box. "Here you go," the male said before handing the box to the pregnant male with a smile.

Baekhyun looked up and thanked the kind stranger before getting it from him and placing it in his trolley. When he tried to move, the tall one blocked him. "Wait, you look so familiar," he voiced out. He tapped something on his phone before comparing the shorter male with the picture on his phone.

"You're the trainee Byun Baekhyun, right?" he said and Baekhyun shook his head his brunette strands hiding his eyes. "I'm right! It is you! Park Chanyeol's rumoured boyfriend." Baekhyun panicked his eyes becoming watery. The man's eyes moved to his mid section with a dirty smirk on his face, "So they were not rumours, huh?" the stranger tired to touch the bump only to have his hand slapped away by the smaller. 

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